AACTE Strategic Planning Process Update
In our last blog, we invited you to contribute to the strategic planning process by reacting to a draft of the plan that outlined the vision, mission, strategic priorities and core values of our Association. Thanks to all of you who provided your insights. In today’s update, we’ll share some of what we heard and how we plan to incorporate your ideas going forward.
In addition to providing concrete feedback on the draft text, many of you also asked for a plan that is more forward-thinking and that outlines how AACTE can help shape the future as well as navigate the challenges and opportunities that it presents. For example, how will trends such as competency-based and technology-enabled instruction influence both the daily work of the educators we prepare and our own programs? How can we best confront the teacher shortage in partnership with PK-12 leaders and state policy makers, while also ensuring the quality of the education workforce? What more can we and the same partners do to ensure that the profession is diverse and that educators are prepared to effectively instruct all learners?
To stretch our thinking as a task force, we will be reviewing an array of information on trends affecting our profession and innovative approaches that other associations are undertaking to serve their members. This will necessitate a delay in completing the plan, but we always have been convinced that it is much more important to produce a robust plan than to move quickly. We are now aiming to complete a plan by this summer that will guide the Association through its 75th anniversary in 2023.
Extending the process through the spring also will provide additional opportunities to seek your input; the first such opportunity will occur at the Annual Meeting in Louisville where members of the task force will be available for coffee and conversation in the AACTE Gallery. If you will be in Louisville, please check the program for these sessions in the AACTE Online Event Planner and stop by to have a cup of coffee with us and share your perspectives. AACTE is your association and we want to make sure that this plan meets your needs!
Tags: AACTE governance, membership, strategic plan