Resources to Engage Your Campus in the Democratic Process

As Americans, one of our most important duties is to participate in our democracy. Although it can be challenging to get out the vote on college campuses, engaged citizenship is one of the desired outcomes of postsecondary education, and we certainly want to nurture in our students a sense of responsibility to participate.

To help students navigate residency requirements, absentee ballots and their filing deadlines, and other voting rules and options, I encourage you to consult the resources compiled by the “Your Vote, Your Voice” campaign. This effort is spearheaded by the Washington Higher Education Secretariat, which includes AACTE and nearly 50 other national higher education organizations.

Your Vote, Your Voice offers several resources that may be useful with colleagues as well as students:

These resources aim to help you increase both voter registration and participation on election days. Please feel free to share the materials with your faculty to integrate into course work or to spur voter education and leadership opportunities.

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Sharon Robinson

President and CEO, AACTE