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Posts Tagged ‘school-university partnerships’

Action for Literacy Through Teacher Preparation, Professional Partnerships

In the College of Community Innovation and Education at the University of Central Florida (UCF), we view partnerships as one of our core values. The UCF Literacy Symposium, an annual conference with a mission to be at the forefront of literacy learning, is one example of a strategic partnership between our college and in-service educators. The event creates a space for bringing together teacher and PK-20 educators to connect, share, advocate for, and learn about literacy.

This year, we celebrated our 20th annual event with the help of 768 educators and other stakeholders who share a common interest in literacy instruction and learning. The symposium is well known across the state of Florida, and every year we attract educators from various Florida universities and school districts as well as from other states. Participants at the 2018 symposium included PK-20 teacher educators, in-service and preservice educators (including school administrators, specialized literacy professionals, school counselors, and other support staff), local superintendents and school district personnel, state Department of Education officials, and others (e.g., legislators, publishers, and representatives from research and educational centers).

Learn About Quality Clinical Partnerships at AACTE Workshop

This event is cancelled until further notice.

“I don’t know where to start,” “it’s too hard,” “it’s too expensive,” or “it takes too much time” are among some of the comments that are often heard in conversations around the country as the push for more clinically rich teacher preparation is discussed. While it certainly can be challenging to reimagine longstanding practices, the shift to strong clinical models has become something of a national imperative for high-quality teacher preparation.

External Connections Key to Advancing Chapter Work

Members of the Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education participate in a recent annual conference; at right, current chapter President Victoria Groves-Scott of the University of Central Arkansas addresses members.

The 47 state chapters of AACTE employ a wide variety of membership models, activity calendars, and strategic partnerships to meet the priorities of their members. While all chapters are based on the fundamental value of interinstitutional collaboration, these coalitions are not just about members talking to themselves or circling the wagons. They also provide an effective launching point for their individual and collective members to connect with external groups that lend important new perspectives and advantages.

The Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (ArACTE) offers an example of how connections forged outside its membership boost its capacity to focus on advocacy priorities as a group–and on common programmatic concerns at the campus level.

Yearlong Residency Prepares Strong TESOL Candidates

Four new videos are available this week in AACTE’s Research-to-Practice Spotlight Series highlighting the urban residencies of the State University of New York (SUNY) Oswego School of Education. In these final videos of the series, educators discuss the significance of getting to know students well and how the yearlong clinical experience helps TESOL candidates prepare for edTPA–and beyond.

Participants in the clinical partnerships of the SUNY Oswego School of Education say one of the significant benefits of a yearlong residency is that teachers get to know their students well and engage deeply in their community.

Partnership Outcomes Build Interest in Residencies, Support Programs

Four new videos are available this week in AACTE’s Research-to-Practice Spotlight Series highlighting the urban residencies of the State University of New York (SUNY) Oswego School of Education. In the latest videos, educators discuss why demand for Oswego residents is growing, how the clinical partnerships are boosting teacher recruitment, and myriad outreach efforts supporting diversity and inclusion–including the AACTE Holmes Program.

The growing clinical partnerships and residency programs of the SUNY Oswego School of Education are generating a compelling track record that places both student teachers and graduates in high demand among local districts. The programs are also boosting recruitment and support of more culturally and linguistically diverse educators, thanks to a variety of efforts on campus and beyond.

Adjusting to Challenges, Urban Residency Reaps Benefits

Five new videos are available this week in AACTE’s Research-to-Practice Spotlight Series highlighting the urban residencies of the State University of New York (SUNY) Oswego School of Education. In the latest videos, educators discuss the professional growth they experience through their partnership work, the primary challenges they’ve faced, and advice they’d offer others looking to transition to a clinical residency.

Teachers of English as a new language (ENL) at Grant Middle School in Syracuse, New York, say they are fortunate to host preservice teachers from the SUNY Oswego TESOL program, who spend their full senior year working with them and other city schools in a coteaching residency.

TQP Grant Applications Now Open! Intent to Apply Due June 11

The U.S. Department of Education has formally published a notice inviting applications for a new Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) grant cycle. Interested applicants should notify the Department by June 11 of their intent to apply, with completed applications due 4:30 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, June 26.

The TQP grant program, authorized in Title II of the Higher Education Act, is the only federal initiative designed to strengthen and reform educator preparation at institutions of higher education. AACTE has long advocated for this program, which funds partnerships between institutions of higher education and high-need schools and districts to develop master’s-level residency programs or to reform undergraduate preservice preparation programs.

SUNY Oswego Clinical Practice Featured in AACTE Spotlight Videos

AACTE is pleased to announce a new feature in the Research-to-Practice Spotlight Series focused on the clinical residencies and partnerships of the State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego School of Education.

The first set of videos, linked above, introduces many of the key players in the programs visited by AACTE staff last year. Faculty, school and district partners, program graduates, and current students share their perspectives on the impact and rationale for offering a yearlong residency embedded in the Syracuse City Schools and community.

A Connected Community Supports Students – and Educators, Too

As the school year nears its end, teachers everywhere are contending with mounting time pressures, waning resources and energy reserves, maybe even an epidemic of spring fever. For some teachers, though, the frenzy and frustrations seem to last all year–and they may feel isolated, underappreciated, and powerless to change the situation. AACTE President/CEO Lynn M. Gangone has this message to encourage them to strengthen their capacity to both support students and thrive as successful members of the professional community.

As a teacher, you’re focused on helping students. You draw from your content knowledge, determine appropriate pedagogy for the particular child and context, and forge connections with resources to support each learner’s growth. What’s more, these practices benefit more than just the young people in your care–teachers, too, thrive with a rich support network in their community and tailored opportunities to learn and grow as professionals.

State Legislative Liaison: Luxury or Necessity?

The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of AACTE.

In the face of continuing criticism of teacher preparation, the Ohio Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (OACTE) has worked to advocate for sensible teacher preparation policy. Although advocacy was not something many in OACTE envisioned would factor into their higher education careers, we have come to believe that advocacy is not only important, but essential, to the continued health and evolution of teacher education work.

April Federal Update, TQP Grant Webinar Recordings Now Available

It’s been a busy spring in Washington, DC, and there is a lot to stay on top of. For AACTE members, it’s not hard to catch up on the latest developments – just visit our archive of webinar recordings!

The most recent Federal Update webinar, held last week, is available in our archive. These exclusive, members-only webinars are held twice monthly while Congress is in session so that you can stay up to date on federal policy, funding, and other national-level developments related to educator preparation.

Clinical Practice Builds Profession-Ready Candidates, Engaged Community

Five new videos are available this week in AACTE’s Research-to-Practice Spotlight Series highlighting clinical preparation and partnerships of the Butler University (IN) College of Education. In these final videos of the series, Butler faculty, students, and partners reflect on the network of relationships that support their work, the contributions of community businesses and mentors, the benefits gained by mentor teachers, and the profession-readiness of Butler graduates.

The clinical practice programs of Butler University’s College of Education leverage connections among several partners to support their common vision. Both the college and its PK-12 partners extol the benefits of their symbiotic relationship.

Radio Interviews Spotlight ‘Nevada Leads,’ Advocacy, Innovation in Teacher Prep

AACTE members Melissa Burnham and Jafeth Sanchez of the University of Nevada Reno were featured guests on a recent Education Talk Radio show, discussing the “Nevada Leads” principal preparation initiative with their district partner Salwa Jafi. Other guests included AACTE’s Deborah Koolbeck, highlighting current advocacy work in Washington, and Interim Dean Vanessa Anton and Interim Provost Deb Landry of Northeastern State University (OK), who described their award-winning Robotics Academy of Critical Engagement (RACE) program.

The interviews took place in person with host Larry Jacobs at the AACTE 70th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, last month.