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Collaborate Virtually with Your AACTE Colleagues

Initatiate. Collaborate. DiscussWhile many educator preparation providers are transitioning to virtual instruction, it’s no surprise that some individuals may feel isolated and “out of the loop.”  Connecting with colleagues can be hard enough under normal circumstances, but the coronavirus pandemic has taken it to a new level.  If you are looking to network with your peers, stay up-to-date on the latest research and trends, and participate in the ongoing conversation, the AACTE Topical Action Groups (TAGs) are here to help!

TAGs are member-driven working groups that provide a forum in which individuals from member institutions can exchange information on issues related to education and collaborate with each other on a variety of topics.

AACTE currently supports the 18 TAGs below:

  • All Things Accreditation
  • Collaborative Clinical Preparation
  • Community-Engaged Teacher Preparation
  • Coteaching in Clinical Practice
  • Creating Transformative Inclusive Educators for All Students
  • Department Heads, Chairs, and Directors
  • Diversified Teaching Workforce: Recruitment and Retention
  • HBCU Teacher Education
  • Improving Practices in STEM Educator Preparation
  • Internationalization of Teacher Education
  • LGBTQ Advocacy and Inclusion in Teacher Education
  • Online Teaching and Learning
  • Preparing Educators of English Learners
  • Preparing Teachers for Rural Schools and Communities
  • Research in Teacher Preparation
  • Teacher Performance Assessment: Research and Application
  • Urban Education
  • Women in Leadership

The AACTE TAGs typically meet virtually throughout the year with one in-person meeting held in conjunction with the AACTE Annual Meeting.  Some recent TAG activities include providing conference scholarships, hosting sessions at the AACTE Annual Meeting, and granting awards to individuals in the field.

If you are a student, member of the faculty, or serve in a staff or administration role at an AACTE member institution, you are eligible to join a TAG.  To join, please visit the TAG homepage, select the TAG you would like to join, then select “Request access.” 

For additional information about TAGs and how to get involved, you may contact me at mgrenda@aacte.org.  



Meghan Grenda

Director of Membership, AACTE