Posts Tagged ‘state affiliate’

Register for NJACTE Annual Day of Assessment Conference Kicking Off Thursday

On Thursday, March 21, the New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE) will be holding our Annual Day of Assessment Conference with the theme, “The Expanding Landscape of Assessment: Important Conversations.” The conference is free to attend and accessible entirely online by our conference host, Rutgers University – Newark. As always, this special learning opportunity is open to all AACTE affiliate members and their professional networks. Register online now. 

A Pre-Conference Session “Introducing Praxis Preparation: Redefined” by our generous sponsor 240 Tutoring will begin at 1:00 p.m. 

Support the Next Generation of Teachers to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Learners

At AACTE, we believe in the power of community to transform the future of teacher education. On GivingTuesday, AACTE launched its inaugural end-of year-giving campaign inviting stakeholders to join in advancing the work of and support for teacher education. On behalf of AACTE, thank you to those who participated in the campaign’s kickoff.

As a supporter, you champion the work of an association that remains the leader in advancing a highly qualified and diverse educator workforce to meet the needs of PreK-12 and higher education communities.

With the goal of raising $10,000 before the end of the year, AACTE is still accepting gifts, no matter the size.

Donate today and designate how you want your tax-deductible charitable gift to be used.

On #GivingTuesday: Support the Future of Teacher Education

AACTE is excited that the launch of its first-ever individual giving program begins today, November 28, with #GivingTuesday — offering you and others an opportunity to have a direct impact on building the next generation of the educator workforce. Members and educator preparation advocates are invited to be a part of this inaugural giving campaign, “The Future of Teacher Education Starts Now.”   

Your tax-deductible gift to the campaign will greatly assist AACTE in its work to elevate educator preparation and grow the educator workforce. Become an AACTE champion and directly impact the programs, products, and services that create a more robust, diverse, and high-quality educator workforce.

Attend the Virtual State Leaders Institute on November 1

If you are active in your state’s association – or curious about building your advocacy toolkit – make time to attend the AACTE/ACSR Virtual State Leaders Institute on November 1 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

This half-day online event is an accessible, affordable way to learn the latest developments on state policies impacting educator preparation and to engage with leaders in our field from around the country. Sessions will focus on policies addressing the teacher shortage, the science(s) of reading, and academic censorship; our other thread will focus on practical “know-how” sessions on state leadership for those new to affiliate leadership or those considering seeking a leadership role.

Walking Together Over Uncertain Terrain: The Role of Professional Associations During Policy Change

Educator preparation programs (EPPs) in New Jersey are engaged in a nonstop cycle of recruiting, training, and graduating teachers for the state, which has experienced a severe teacher shortage. The design and practices of these programs are substantially influenced by policies of both the state and accrediting organizations. What do busy practitioners at EPPs do when policies that directly affect their work are in flux?  

In 2022, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed into law S.896, which removed the requirement for teacher candidates to complete a state-approved performance-based assessment, including the previously required and widely critiqued edTPA, and provided each EPP the authority to design or select its own performance-based assessment. The edTPA had been a significant, time-intensive process for teacher candidates, and EPPs had deeply integrated edTPA into their curriculum and dedicated resources to support candidates’ successful completion of edTPA’s components. This policy change has the potential to fundamentally transform daily practice, program design, and student experiences across New Jersey’s EPPs.  

Virtual State Leaders Institute Convenes EPPs to Address State Policy Challenges

Following up on the highly successful inaugural event last year, AACTE and the Advisory Council of State Representatives (ACSR) are once again sponsoring a highly interactive Virtual State Leaders Institute on Wednesday, November 1 from 12 pm to 5 p.m. ET.

With a low registration fee of $50 per person ($65 for non-AACTE members), anyone active in a state affiliate organization can attend to hear the latest on key state policy issues, connect with and learn from colleagues around the country, and build capacity to advocate on behalf of high-quality educator preparation. 

Daniel Named TACTE President-Elect

Larry Daniel, dean of the College of Education at University of Texas Permian Basin, is the new president-elect of the Texas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (TACTE).

TACTE is a membership organization for education deans in the state of Texas and is affiliated with the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).

Daniel joins the TACTE Executive Committee, assists the association’s president as needed, serves in the absence of the president, and plans the program for the association’s summer retreat.

Daniel says he feels honored and grateful for this opportunity.

“I am humbled by the confidence that my TACTE colleagues have placed in me. For many years, I have had a passion for monitoring and influencing educational policy and legislative activities related to teacher education. Service to TACTE will give me an opportunity to work with others to influence state policy for the good of future teachers in the Lone Star State,” Daniel said in a UTPB Facebook post.

The Teacher Educators’ Journal: Call for Manuscripts

The Teacher Educators’ Journal (TTEJ) is published by the Virginia Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators (VACTE), a state unit of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). The journal aims to stimulate discussion and reflection about issues related to teacher education; authors need not be based and research need not be conducted in Virginia for manuscripts to be considered for publication. Manuscripts submitted for consideration may be research/empirical reports and analyses, position papers, book reviews, or conceptual essays.

Final Opportunity to Register, Drive Change at Washington Week

Educator preparation advocates play a vital role in advancing the advocacy agenda and supporting those who will teach future generations. Don’t miss this final opportunity to join teacher educators, scholars, and other members from colleges and institutions on June 4 to 7 for AACTE’s 2023 Washington Week, emphasizing the crucial theme of “Investing in Education.”

Registration for AACTE’s leading legislative conference ends on May 31 secure your spot today to join forces with change-makers in the educator preparation field.

NJACTE to Host Annual Day of Assessment

On Thursday, March 30, the New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE) will be hosting our Annual Day of Assessment with the theme, “Authenticity and Improvement: Reimagining Assessment in a Changing Landscape.” The conference is free to attend and open to all AACTE affiliate members and their professional networks. Register now.

A Pre-Conference Session “8 Approaches to Transform Your Self Study into Meaningful Reflections” by our generous sponsor HelioCampus will begin at 1:00 p.m. The pre-conference session will be followed by the opening presentation “Assessment and Continuous Improvement: We’re Doing Everything Right, But Are We Doing the Right Things?” with panelists from The College of New Jersey and Rutgers University – New Brunswick.

NJACTE Officers Appointed to Task Force on Public School Staff Shortages

Stacey Leftwich (left) and Amy Kline (right) of the New Jersey Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (NJACTE).

Stacey Leftwich, president, and Amy Kline, treasurer/president-elect, of the New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE) were appointed to Governor Phil Murphy’s newly established Task Force on Public School Staff Shortages. Created under Executive Order No. 309, the task force is part of Governor Murphy’s efforts to address ongoing school staff shortages and will be charged to develop short and long-term recommendations to increase the number of K-12 school staff — including teachers and support staff — in the State of New Jersey.

GACTE Works to Elevate the Teaching Profession throughout Georgia

The Georgia Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (GACTE) has been looking at the teacher pipeline in our state and receiving input on ways to increase teacher recruitment and retention. Several state reports confirm the shortage in Georgia and GACTE’s goal was to get everyone on board to look for ways to help reduce shortages. GACTE convened an initial meeting where three main action items were identified including (1) Elevate Teacher Voice in the school and in policy and legislation; (2) Re-imagine induction and mentoring to increase the dignity and honor of the profession; and (3) Raise the profile of teachers in Georgia. A second meeting at Kennesaw State University, brought the collaborative together to turn general strategies from the first meeting into action items.

2022-23 AACTE State Affiliate Awardees Selected

Congratulations to the AACTE state affiliate organizations from Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, and Montana which were selected from among numerous excellent applicants for a 2022-23 State Affiliate Support Award. AACTE uses these awards to support state affiliate organizations in advancing the following priorities:

  • Advocacy and Policy Leadership
  • Enhancing Program Quality
  • Partnership and Communication

Holmes Scholar Highlights Access to Government at Washington Week

For the first time in three years, AACTE will be hosting its 2022 Washington Week in-person in Washington DC, June 6 – 8. This annual educational policy and advocacy event draws together AACTE’s State Chapter Leadership, Holmes’ Scholars, deans, and faculty for an opportunity to learn and advocate for education and for high quality educational preparation programs throughout the country.

This year, AACTE is combining the best programming from three separate events — State Leaders Institute, Holmes Policy Institute, and Day on the Hill — into one reimagined mini-conference for enhanced collaboration and networking. The 2022 Washington Week program includes shared keynotes and strand-based sessions on today’s most critical issues in education and teacher preparation: censorship, educator shortage, and educator diversity. Attendees can choose to align with a particular strand throughout the event or select sessions from among the three strands.

Holmes Scholar Vivian Medina-Messner is passionate about having conversations that build community. Washington Week provides this opportunity, “[At] Washington Week educators can meet other educators and have great conversations about educational policies and about issues important to our communities and students.” Read below for the rest of AACTE’s conversation with Medina-Messner.

Last Call for Washington Week

We’re getting close to kick off for AACTE’s Washington Week, June 6 – 8! Join us in the nation’s capital for the first, in-person Washington Week since 2019.

We are excited to share our lineup of exemplary speakers, including DoE Deputy Secretary Cindy Marten. They will cover critical topics in education and teacher preparation, including censorship, teacher shortage, and educator diversity. View the full schedule here.