Posts Tagged ‘JTE’

JTE’s Special Issue on Family and Community Engagement: Insights from NAFSCE’s Innovation Collaboratives

Over the past four years, the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement (NAFSCE) has partnered with AACTE to understand the landscape of educator preparation for family and community engagement and to develop a framework to bring together educator preparation programs, families, schools, and policymakers to create systemic change in this space.  This partnership prepares educators to develop the competencies to reflect on their work with families and to connect, collaborate, and lead alongside them is one of the most important ways to impact students in classroom settings positively.

Continuing this work, Reyna Hernandez and I are honored to provide the commentary for the upcoming special issue of the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) focused on family, school, and community partnerships and edited by Valerie Hill-Jackson, Ed.D.  In our commentary, we share the cumulative findings of nine collaboratives working to enhance how educators are prepared to engage families. These collaboratives linked educator preparation programs nationwide with families, communities, and school partners. The collaboratives then carried out and collected data on short-term projects that enhanced family engagement in educator preparation through changes to coursework, clinical experience, and other programmatic areas.

JTE Co-Editors Reflect on 75 Years of Journal in Video

The Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) turns 75 in 2025. Now celebrating its 75th year of publication, JTE’s co-editors Cheryl J. Craig, Ph.D., and Valerie Hill-Jackson, Ed.D., sit down in a video discussion and reflect on its history and future. The duo also unpacks three special issues for Volume 75 on perennial issues in teacher education, family-school-community engagement, and a curated tranche of articles that nod to revolutionary research and leadership in teacher education. 

“There’s a feeling of accomplishment in getting this far,” Craig said. “We have to be resilient because our context is so contested.”

Journal of Teacher Education Seeks Proposals on Generative AI 

To celebrate its 75th anniversary, the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) is seeking proposals for a special issue on Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Volume 76, issue three. Generative AI is an artificial intelligence model that can create new content, mimicking certain styles or patterns in existing data. While AI has been part of the educational landscape for an extended period, generative AI is a relative newcomer. As a consumer product, generative AI broke into the mainstream with the release of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) in November 2022. Since then, educators have been grappling with its implications for learning in K-12 and, as a result, in teacher education. 

Advancing the conversation and the knowledge base around generative AI in education aligns with AACTE’s position to advance the quality of Educator preparation and enhance the educational experience for all students. 

Journal of Teacher Education Volume 75 Issue 2 Available Now

Volume 75 Issue 2 of the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE 75.2) is now available online. This volume marks the 75th publication year of JTE, which prompted authors Valerie Hill-Jackson, Ed.D., and Cheryl J. Craig, Ph.D.,  to share the historical timeline of the editors’ terms in an editorial, “Where the Good Ideas Are’: 75 Years of the Journal of Teacher Education.”  

The editorial details the story of how the myriad of editors for the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) safeguarded a space to highlight ideas essential to research of preservice and in-service teacher education within an ever-changing global context for nearly 75 years.  

Celebrating Milestones in Education: A Look into the Latest Edition of the Journal of Teacher Education

As the realm of education continues to evolve, it is essential to pause and reflect on the milestones that have shaped the landscape of teaching and learning. The newest edition of Journal of Teacher Education (JTE 75.1) offers a profound opportunity to do just that.

At the forefront of this edition is an editorial penned by AACTE President and CEO Lynn M. Gangone, Ed.D., and AACTE Dean in Residence Leslie T. Fenwick, Ph.D.

Latest JTE Issue Places Equity Front and Center

On the occasion of AACTE’s 75 years of transforming teacher education, and in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent challenges to race-conscious policies for college admissions, co-editors Valerie Hill-Jackson and Cheryl Craig of the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) seize the opportunity to offer an issue dedicated to equity.

With the expertise of Kathy McDonough and Sonia Nieto as guest editors, this groundbreaking publication attempts to “Place Equity Front and Center” in Teacher Education in a Time of Crisis. The issue begins with an editorial that (a) reviews the long history of injustice in the United States over four centuries, (b) reconsiders major cultural shifts since the start of the 21st century that impact teacher education specifically and education more broadly, and (c)  highlights the promising pedagogies for responsibly bringing equity to the fore in teacher preparation classrooms.

Inside the issue, a powerhouse compilation of eight peer-reviewed articles is representative of novel research — on topics ranging from equity and teacher dispositions to equity and technology — by thoughtful and committed scholars. Issue four, of volume 74 of JTE, affirms that equity is the bedrock of teacher education, so it leans into a timely conversation on the topic. It’s a must-read collection for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers for the field of teacher education. Access the issue.

AACTE Congratulates Journal of Teacher Education Holmes Fellows

AACTE is proud to introduce three Holmes Scholars who have been selected by the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) editorial team for a mentoring opportunity. The selected scholars will co-author an editorial or manuscript that will appear in one of JTE’s special anniversary issues in 2024. Through JTE, AACTE is committed to ensuring that the next generation of education scholars, particularly underrepresented scholars, are supported as they advance their research and scholarship.

Journal of Teacher Education Welcomes New Editor-in-Residence

The Journal of Teacher Education (JTE), AACTE’s flagship research journal, is pleased to announce its new editor-in-residence, A. Lin Goodwin. The role of the editor-in-residence is to serve as a knowledgeable other who has proven to be an essential and powerful voice in the field of education. This individual attends meetings with JTE editors, co-authors an editorial, and provides insight into the current state and future of the profession and solutions to overcoming challenges.

Holmes Scholars Invited to Co-Author Article for JTE’s 75th Anniversary Issues

AACTE is pleased to announce a strategic collaboration and mentoring opportunity with the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE), AACTE’s flagship journal, and the Holmes Scholars Program. Through this collaboration, the JTE leadership team will select and mentor Holmes Scholars to co-write an editorial or manuscript that will appear in one of JTE’s special anniversary issues in 2024! This opportunity is specifically for Holmes doctoral and post-doctoral scholars who would like to learn how to write and publish a piece of quality scholarship in a high-impact academic journal. JTE helps ensure that the next generation of teacher education scholars are supported as they take on real-world challenges for the professoriate.

JTE Spotlights AACTE’s 75 Years of Leading Educator Preparation

To commemorate AACTE’s 75th Anniversary and vibrant history, AACTE President and CEO Lynn M. Gangone and Dean-in-Residence Leslie Fenwick — in collaboration with the co-editors of the Journal of Teacher Education, Valerie Hill-Jackson and Cheryl Craig — have co-authored a historical paper of AACTE’s impact leading educator preparation since 1948. Published in JTE’s Issue 2, volume 74, this issue encapsulates AACTE’s  75th Anniversary theme, “Remembering the Past to Revolutionize the Future” by featuring well-regarded articles of the 21st century and reflexive rejoinders from the authors.

The Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) is AACTE’s flagship journal and ranks 43 out of 267 Education and Educational Research Journals and has a five-year Impact Factor of 4.9. JTE’s mission is to serve as a research forum for a diverse group of scholars invested in the preparation and continued support of teachers who can have a significant voice in discussions and decision-making. JTE has been in continuous production since 1950 elevating scholarship that has shaped educator preparation research, policy and practice.

Read AACTE’s 75th Anniversary Editorial featured in the Journal of Teacher Education

JTE Podcast Interview: Proposing Core Practices for Social Studies Teacher Education

Studio microphone for recording podcasts and computer tablet on a white background.Listen to the recent JTE Insider podcast by the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) editorial team. This blog is available to the public, and AACTE members have free access to the articles in the JTE online archives—just log in with your AACTE profile.

This podcast interview features insights from the article Proposing Core Practices for Social Studies Teacher Education: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Inquiry-Based Lessons” by Alexander Cuenca. The article was published in the May/June 2021 issue of the Journal of Teacher Education.

JTE Podcast Interview: Studying Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Planning for CRDL

JTE CoverListen to the recent JTE Insider podcast by the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) editorial team. This blog is available to the public, and AACTE members have free access to the articles in the JTE online archives—just log in with your AACTE profile.

This podcast interview features insights from the article Examining Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Planning for Culturally Relevant Disciplinary Literacy by Dr. Jamie Colwell, Kristen Gregory, and Valerie Taylor. The article was published in the March/April 2021 issue of the Journal of Teacher Education

Article Abstract

This qualitative multiple case study examined four preservice teachers’ planning and perceptions of planning for culturally and socially relevant disciplinary literacy instruction in secondary disciplines. Four disciplines were represented: art, English, history, and physical education (P.E.)/health. This research sought to understand how a secondary literacy course and its requirements, with a particular focus on culturally relevant disciplinary literacy (CRDL) instruction. Particularities of the four disciplines of study represented were also considered to inform cross-content literacy coursework. Findings indicated preservice teachers (PSTs) recognized potential of CRDL to engage students in critical thought. However, core disciplines (English and history) had varying viewpoints of the reality of such instruction compared with noncore disciplines (art and P.E./health), and all PSTs struggled to perceive CRDL as a primarily student-focused approach to instruction.

JTE Authors Discuss Use of Inquiry Community Framework in Clinical Setting

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Check out a recent JTE Insider blog interview by the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) editorial team. This blog is available to the public, and AACTE members have free access to the articles in the JTE online archives—just log in with your AACTE profile

This interview features insights from the article Becoming Clinically Grounded Teacher Educators: Inquiry Communities in Clinical Teacher Preparation by Rachel Wolkenhauer and Angela Hooser. The article was published in the March/April 2021 issue of the Journal of Teacher Education.

Article Abstract: Calls for the renewal of teacher preparation through clinical practice have left many novice teacher educators to learn on the job. This article reports on the research of two such novices, studying their own practice. Addressing the need to better understand the approaches teacher educators take to clinically grounding their work, the authors used a hermeneutic approach to naturalistic inquiry to study their use of an inquiry community framework in a teacher preparation clinical setting. The authors found that within an arc of practitioner inquiry, explicitly teaching guided reflection and professional dialoguing skills within an inquiry community were key teacher educator practices. They found that an inquiry community approach holds promise as a structure and space for teacher educators to advance teacher preparation toward clinical practice.

JTE Podcast Interview: Program Completer Surveys and Teacher Effectiveness

Podcast MicrophoneListen to the recent JTE Insider podcast by the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) editorial team. This blog is available to the public, and AACTE members have free access to the articles in the JTE online archives—just log in with your AACTE profile.

This podcast interview features insights from the article “What Do Surveys of Program Completers Tell Us About Teacher Preparation Quality?,” by Kevin Bastion, Min Sun, and Heather Flynn. The article was published in the January/February issue of the Journal of Teacher Education

JTE Podcast Interview: The Role of Historians, Archivists and Museum Educators as Teacher Educators

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Listen to the recent JTE Insider podcast by the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) editorial team. This blog is available to the public, and AACTE members have free access to the articles in the JTE online archives—just log in with your AACTE profile.

This podcast interview features insights from the article “Historians, Archivists, and Museum Educators as Teacher Educators: Mentoring Preservice History Teachers at Cultural Institutes,” by Tim Patterson. The article was published in the January/February issue of the Journal of Teacher Education