JTE Article on Context-Specific Preparation of Urban Teachers to Win AACTE Award

AACTE will honor authors Kavita Kapadia Matsko of the University of Chicago and Karen Hammerness of the American Museum of Natural History with the 2015 AACTE Outstanding Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) Article Award for their article “Unpacking the ‘Urban’ in Urban Teacher Education: Making a Case for Context-Specific Preparation,” published in the March/April 2014 issue of the journal. The award will be presented at the 67th AACTE Annual Meeting Welcoming Session, Friday, February 27, at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis.

David Stroupe to Receive AACTE Dissertation Award for Study of ‘Ambitious Practice’

AACTE has chosen David Stroupe, assistant professor of science education at Michigan State University, to receive the 2015 AACTE Outstanding Dissertation Award for his study "Students Drive Where I Go Next": Ambitious Practice, Beginning Teacher Learning, and Classroom Epistemic Communities. The award will be presented at the 67th AACTE Annual Meeting Speaker Spotlight Session, Sunday, March 1, at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis.

Online Program Book Available for AACTE Annual Meeting

In just 10 days, AACTE will be kicking off its 67th Annual Meeting. If you’re planning to join us at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis February 27-March 1, you have a new tool at your disposal: an online program book.

This program book provides an eye-catching traditional layout for the conference events and makes it easy to browse sessions, presenters, and the exhibitor list. Remember, AACTE is “going green” for 2015, so the program book won’t be printed this year.

Sarah Brown Wessling to Keynote Spring CAEP Conference

Sarah Brown Wessling, 2010 National Teacher of the Year
Sarah Brown Wessling, 2010 National Teacher of the Year

The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) has announced that 2010 National Teacher of the Year Sarah Brown Wessling will be a keynote speaker for the 2015 Spring CAEP Conference in Denver, Colorado. The theme of the conference, which takes place April 9-10, is Preparing Effective, Classroom-Ready Teachers: An Evidence-Based Approach.

In 2010, Wessling took a short break from her post teaching English at Johnston High School in Johnston, Iowa, to come to the White House to be named National Teacher of the Year. Wessling, a National Board Certified Teacher, has since leveraged this title to give her students and peers a voice.

Research Fellows: Can Persistence of Urban Teachers Be Attributed to Their Preparation Pathway?

Editor’s Note: AACTE’s two Research Fellowship teams will present a joint session at the Association’s Annual Meeting, Saturday, February 28, at 1:30 p.m. in Room A704 of the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. This post provides background on the fellowship based in New Jersey at Kean University, Rowan University, and William Paterson University.

Is there a difference in teacher persistence in urban districts attributable to specific pathways? Why do teachers say they persist in urban districts? Researchers from Kean University, Rowan University, and William Paterson University came together to explore these and other related questions as part of the AACTE Research Fellowship.

Research Fellows: Data-Collection Challenges Hold Implications for Accountability Measures

Editor’s Note: AACTE’s two Research Fellowship teams will present a joint session at the Association’s Annual Meeting, Saturday, February 28, at 1:30 p.m. in Room A704 of the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. This post provides background on the fellowship at the University of Southern Maine.

The recent release of proposed federal reporting requirements for educator preparation programs stirred up intense interest in the methods and metrics used to evaluate programs. As many people noted in their letters of comment to the U.S. Department of Education earlier this month, several of the proposed new measures are unprecedented and would require investment of significant time and money to collect, analyze, and report data on an annual basis.

NAHSA to Present Tenure Academy for Doctoral Students

Are you a doctoral student seeking a tenure-track position? Or maybe you have a faculty post but would like guidance navigating the promotion and tenure process? Plan to attend a Tenure Academy in Chicago, April 15-16, being held as a preconference event of the American Educational Research Association annual meeting.

Presented by the National Association of Holmes Scholars Alumni (NAHSA), this second annual event will provide the latest strategies for navigating the tenure and promotion process.

edTPA Literature Review Now Available

The Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) is excited to share the edTPA Review of Research on Teacher Education, developed by SCALE with input from educators and researchers to identify foundational research literature that informs the development of edTPA.

The literature cited provides a research foundation for the role of assessment in teacher education, for the common edTPA architecture, and for each of the 15 shared rubric constructs.

Goodwin to Speak at AACTE Welcoming Session

AACTE is pleased to announce a new speaker for the 67th Annual Meeting Welcoming Session. A. Lin Goodwin of Teachers College, Columbia University, will join Marc Tucker of the National Center on Education and the Economy at this kick-off general session, Friday, February 27, at noon.

Linda Darling-Hammond of Stanford University, originally scheduled to speak at the session with Tucker, is no longer able to attend the conference.

Goodwin brings her extensive experience in international education reform to this keynote duet for a thought-provoking discussion of economic imperatives and successful systems of educator preparation around the world.

Let’s Dispel Pervasive Teacher-Quality Myths

This post also appears in the Public School Insights blog of the Learning First Alliance.

It’s an insidious message embedded in the American psyche: Those who can’t, teach. For years, report after report has banged the drum for raising admission standards into teacher preparation programs, citing international comparisons and championing cost-prohibitive recruitment policies.

In reality, the talent pool now entering teacher preparation programs is rich. Our programs are, in fact, attracting their share of high achievers—defined by any number of criteria.

‘The Iceberg Effect’—Not Just About Asking Questions

Upon arriving at AACTE last month to begin our semester-long internship, we were whisked off to the National Press Club for a press briefing on The Iceberg Effect, based on the new studySchool Performance in Context: Indicators of School Inputs and Outputs in Nine Similar Nations. For three doctoral students who are dedicated to promoting social justice in and out of the classroom, this could not have been a more fitting introduction to our work at AACTE.

The report, released by the National Superintendents Roundtable and the Horace Mann Foundation, casts new light on U.S. students’ performance on international assessments, controlling for social and economic factors that have not been previously studied alongside student achievement on this scale. The results highlight the relatively strong academic achievement of America’s students in spite of our nation’s poor performance in providing supports to help offset the widespread social and economic effects of poverty.

AACTE Names Michigan State Faculty as Next JTE Editors

AACTE is pleased to announce Michigan State University’s College of Education as the next editorial host of the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE). The editors were selected through a competitive proposal process and approved by the Association’s Board of Directors for a 3-year term.

The current editorial team at Pennsylvania State University, which has served the JTE since August 2010, will continue work on the journal through June 2015 to complete Volume 66; however, the Michigan State team will receive all new manuscript submissions effective March 1.

AACTE Submits Comments to USED on Proposed Regulations

Today, AACTE submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Education on the proposed teacher education program regulations. AACTE President/CEO Sharon P. Robinson released the following statement on the organization’s submission:

“The members of AACTE embrace accountability for their work. They are eager to understand the effectiveness of their graduates and seek continual program improvement to ensure graduates’ profession-readiness on Day 1 in the classroom.

“The regulatory proposal put forward by the Department, however, is not the appropriate way to hold programs accountable. It would draw energy, funding, and attention away from innovative reforms, proven accountability initiatives, and overall program improvement currently under way in teacher preparation programs across the country.

Panel: Proposed Federal Regulations Could Have Negative Impact on Teacher Diversity

On Tuesday, January 27, the American Federation of Teachers and Howard University (DC) convened a panel at the National Press Club to discuss the potential impact of the proposed federal teacher preparation regulations on minority-serving institutions (MSIs) and their teacher pipelines. AACTE President/CEO Sharon P. Robinson was among the panelists who shared their concerns and urged the U.S. Department of Education to withdraw the regulations.