A Day on the Hill: Washington Week 2024 Reflection 

Participating in AACTE’s Washington Week as a Holmes Scholar and representing Ohio University on different platforms was truly an enlightening and fulfilling experience. Given my international background, this event was a wonderful occasion for me to learn, share, and actively engage in democratic processes that shape the policy of U.S. education. 

One of the major highlights of the week was our visit to Capitol Hill. The mentorship provided by AACTE’s program was instrumental in preparing state leaders, Holmes Scholars, and other attendees for advocacy on Capitol Hill. It was an exhilarating and impactful experience to address critical issues in the current educational landscape for policymakers and pave the way to see a positive change in the education sector. The advocacy team I was on was comprised of seasoned state leaders. We focused on addressing federal issues that are prevalent across the states, such as quality education, funding for teacher preparation programs, holistic support for teachers, and the need for a diverse teaching workforce. We shared our state’s best practices for tackling these issues with the legislator’s aides. 

Education Students Prep for Future Professions in Nation’s Capital During Legislative Conference

This article was originally published on Stephen F. Austin State University’s website and is reprinted with permission.

Nine students in Stephen F. Austin State University’s Department of Education Studies traveled to Washington, D.C., in early June to learn firsthand what it felt like to advocate for their future professions to the U.S. Congress during AACTE’s Washington Week.

Students attending the AACTE’s legislative conference engage in advocacy training and learn about the legislative process for public education. Walking the hallowed halls in which our nation’s representatives decide how best to guide our democracy, they also meet with U.S. representatives, senators, and their staffers, and tour historical sites across Washington.

Washington Week Reflection: Zero to Three Visit and More

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to give a child of immigrant parents the opportunity to advocate on Capitol Hill? Think of a child who once felt unimportant, watching “the important fancy people” walk in and out of a high-end hotel in her neighborhood while she sat outside her ready-for-demolition home. She felt like her voice did not matter because she was just a little brown child whose roots were left behind in another country.

But what happens when this same child encounters educators who make her believe in herself and her power? Those same educators fostered her learning and found ways to connect new information to make it relevant to her life. Well, you get an adult who is now given the opportunity to go to Capitol Hill and advocate for other children’s rights for exceptionally trained educators by supporting bills that would strengthen educator preparation and the educator workforce.

U.S. Department of Education Issues Information Request on Approaches to Extend PSLF to Early Childhood Educators

The U.S. Department of Education (the Department) issued a Request for Information (RFI) to help the Department better understand operational aspects of potentially expanding Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) for workers in early childhood education (ECE) settings.  
“Early childhood educators help young children learn, grow, and thrive. But they are often poorly compensated, and student debt is a problem. If these educators can access Public Service Loan Forgiveness, we can help our youngest children, their families, and their communities,” said U.S. Under Secretary of Education James Kvaal. 

In Colorado: CDE Awards $3 Million in Grant Funding to Support Out-Of-School-Time Learning  

The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) is supporting school districts and community organizations to expand out-of-school-time learning opportunities for students at 24 sites across the state. The department awarded $3 million in grant funding from the federal Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant to support academic enrichment opportunities with a focus on serving economically disadvantaged students.  

This year’s grant recipients are the CDE’s eleventh cohort of 21st Century Community Learning sites. Some examples of what the funds will support include the following: 

Dear Blackqueer Student: A Pride Month Letter and Reflection 

Dear Blackqueer Student, 

I got a hold of some truth on this journey; I am sure it is partial, yet it pertains to us, and I believe you should know. This truth is not the typical rhetoric of lies wrapped in subject matter, and I do not mean to alarm you with any of it. But as much as we illuminate “the way,” we must also give sound warning. 

Before I get there, a little about the energy that speaks to you in this letter. My journey as an educator commenced in 2008, and I remember seeing you because I remember who I was in high school, the “out-gay girl.” With that came many challenges, not just for me, but for my Black Christian family and my peers who decided to call me friend. Though we did have access to the language back in the late ’90s, we all were coming to terms with the phrase, love is love and what that looked like for us. Nonetheless, when I saw you, I could not speak to you because, by the time I entered the classroom as a teacher of record, I was full of fear, cloaked in shame, and definitely not communicating, in a healthy way, with the queer parts of myself. I was programmed for survival; therefore, I obliged the binary request of wearing clothing that looked the part because my pronouns are she/her but made me uncomfortable because I was wearing a costume — I am a masculine woman. 

Tips for a Successful Annual Meeting Proposal 

Submit by June 28 

Do you want to feature your work at the AACTE 2025 Annual Meeting in Long Beach, CA, being held February 21 – 23? The theme, “Beyond the Horizon: Charting the Course for Educator Preparation,” illuminates the continuous forward-thinking AACTE members make in their work and aligns with the current Call for Proposals, as AACTE seeks those that share perspectives on addressing current issues and providing innovative ways to approach that which has yet to be considered in educator preparation. 

Top 5 Tips for Submitting a Successful Annual Meeting Proposal 

  1. Follow the Format – Your proposal will be evaluated based on the criteria outlined in the revised rubric. Familiarize yourself with these before writing your proposal.  

  2. Structure Your Session – Identify the type of session you want to present at the Annual Meeting. When you review the guidelines, pay attention to the AACTE session types, and ensure your proposal reflects the format of your selected session type.  

  3. Speak to the Strand – Address not only the conference theme but one of the five strands as well. Review AACTE’s official Call for Proposals, select the strand your work best supports, and ensure your proposal answers one or more of its guiding questions.  

  4. Talk about Takeaways – Reviewers will be looking for outcomes that attendees can implement, and your proposal should outline what knowledge those attending your session can both gain and apply at their institutions. 

  5. Engage Authentically – Prepare a proposal that presents your story and use your proposal to engage attendees and incorporate multiple viewpoints and feedback. 

The deadline to submit a proposal is June 28. Learn more on AACTE’s website. 

Educators Discuss Strategies to Help Students Succeed During 2024 Persistence To Graduation Summit 

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) hosted the 2024 Persistence to Graduation Summit in Lexington, KY, on June 11-12. 

Educators, superintendents, administrators,counselors, and other community leaders focused on ways to help students at all levels reach graduation, despite any challenges they face along the way. 

“There’s a lot of different kinds of barriers,” said KDE Division of Student Success Director Christina Weeter. “And they don’t just start in high school. They start in earlier years as well, and they can be cumulative.” 

AACTE Celebrates Pride Month 2024

As Pride Month unfolds this June, AACTE commemorates the importance of fostering inclusive educational environments. Recognizing the imperative to integrate LGBTQ+ histories and perspectives into teaching curricula, AACTE provides members with essential resources to cultivate supportive spaces for students and teacher candidates of all identities.

Please see the following list of resources for educators curated by AACTE that will empower you to continue to be more inclusive in your teaching experience:

AACTE Celebrates Juneteenth 2024

On June 19, 1865, the emancipation of enslaved Black people in the United States was realized when Union troops arrived in Galveston, TX, to enforce the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation for these citizens.

The newly freed people called this day “Juneteenth.” Also known as Emancipation Day, Juneteenth is the commemoration of Black and African American people in the United States seizing their freedom that was denied to them despite their contributions to the growth of the nation’s economy and culture. While organizations around the country, including AACTE, will close their offices to give time to celebrate, reflect, and appreciate this history, more than half of the states in the country have introduced or passed legislation to prohibit teaching about structural racism, and you cannot fully teach and appreciate Juneteenth without acknowledging structural racism.

U.S. Department of Education Hosts Regional Convenings to Spur Action by States to Eliminate Educator Shortages

On June 13-14, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) held the second of three Regional Convenings to Support State Action to Advance the Education Professions in Chicago with a focus on Midwest to Northeastern states. AACTE President and CEO Lynn M. Gangone, Ed.D., CAE, was in attendance and presented at the Chicago meeting on June 13. 

The three convenings are bringing together key leaders from across over 25 states, D.C., and American Samoa in cross-sector state leadership teams to learn from each other about effective efforts by states to increase educator compensation, expand access to high-quality and affordable pathways into the education professions, and increase educator diversity. The opening remarks featured the Department’s Assistant Secretary for the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development Roberto J. Rodriguez, and Illinois State Superintendent of Education Tony Sanders, Ed.D. The opening remarks and session featured leadership from The Hunt Institute and TEACH.org. 

Q&A with AACTE Coaching’s Leslie T. Fenwick

Leslie T. Fenwick, Ph.D., is AACTE’s dean in residence and dean emerita of the School of Education and a professor of education policy at Howard University. Fenwick will facilitate the Deans of Color cohort, part of AACTE’s new Coaching initiative. In the following Q&A, AACTE asked Fenwick for a preview of her cohort’s coursework and what members can expect from participating in this new AACTE-exclusive experience.

Lynn M. Gangone Honored During AACTE Washington Week

Lynn M. Gangone, Ed.D., CAE, who just celebrated her seventh year of serving in the president and CEO position at AACTE, was recognized by AACTE leaders and staff at the 2024 Washington Week before her official retirement later this year.

Gangone began her tenure of service at AACTE in 2017, as her fourth leadership role within a higher education association. During her time in the association, Gangone has advocated for diversity, equity, and inclusion, as one of the core values of the Association, which feeds directly into its mission to revolutionize education for all learners in the PK-12 spaces.

“Under her stewardship, the organization underwent significant transformation,” said Anne Tapp Jaksa, Ph.D., chair elect of AACTE’s board of directors and professor at the College of Education at Saginaw State University. “She championed inclusivity and ensured diversity and equity were not just woven into the fabric of our programs but were also a cornerstone of our strategic objectives.”

Explore AACTE’s Webinar Library

Did you know that AACTE members have access to previously recorded webinars? AACTE offers quality professional development opportunities throughout the year and it is possible to miss one or two events. Or you may have missed a few points or topics while attending a webinar and want to watch the session again. As an AACTE member, you can watch any previously released virtual event by visiting AACTE’s Webinars On-Demand library.

AACTE’s professional development opportunities — like webinars, Lunch & Learns, and Lunch with Lynn — offer topics that include artificial intelligence (AI)/generative AI for classrooms; internationalization; disrupting injustice; diversity, equity, and inclusion; discussions featuring AACTE Award winners; and more.

AACTE invites you to continue making the most of your membership by accessing the webinar library today and find topics that best suit your interests.

Superintendent Arntzen is Accepting Applications for the Third Year of the Teacher Residency Project

Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen is accepting residency and district applications for the third year of the Montana Teacher Residency Program. The Residency program is a one-year paid student teaching experience during the final year of undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, or master’s studies for education majors. Residents will be paired with a teacher-leader, and receive a stipend, district-provided housing, and partial tuition support.

Resident teachers will also commit to teaching in a Montana school district for a minimum of three years. Those interested in becoming a resident can apply here. Districts interested in hosting a resident can apply here.

“The Residency Program is a great opportunity for Montana-made teachers to gain valuable classroom experience,” Arntzen said. “The academic success of our children depends on access to high-quality teachers who are well prepared from day one. This reflects my Montana Hope and Montana Teach initiatives by emphasizing community engagement and strong teacher leaders to put our students first.”