14 Feb2022
By Sumi Hagiwara
The Improving Practices in STEM Teacher Preparation (IPSTP) Topical Action Group (TAG) is hosting an Invited Speakers Event on Thursday, Mar 3, 2022, from 4:00 – 6:00 pm. The in-person meeting will take place at in the Lafayette room at New Orleans Marriott. A Zoom link will be shared via email to respondents. Please RSVP here.
22 Feb2021
Invited Speakers Talk About Courageous Action
By Sumi Hagiwara
The call to action to engage our collective consciousness by resisting hate and restoring hope through courageous action is now. After the summer of racial reckoning, institutions have re-examined mission and vision statements for what many consider a watershed moment with “talk of transformation, roadmaps, and “action steps” toward sweeping curricular reforms (Bartlet, T, 2021). The Improving Practices in STEM Teacher Preparation (IPSTP) Topical Action Group (TAG) likewise responds to the call by reimagining TAG activities and engaging members to reflect, reimagine, and take action through STEM teacher education.
To start the work for envisioning courageous action, the IPSTP TAG has invited scholars to share their work in socially just and equity-sustaining STEM practices. The invited speakers include Angela Calabrese Barton of the University of Michigan, Edna Tan of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Tanya Maloney of Montclair State University, and Kathleen Schenkel of San Diego State University.