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The Story of Big Data, With All the Small Details

, Holmes Scholars at Florida Atlantic University (FAU)

BIG Data may not be “a piece of cake” but during a presentation by Charles Dukes, students and faculty noted that it can be a slice of pie. On April 11, 2019, Holmes Scholars at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) hosted a seminar, “The story of big data, with all the small details,” featuring Dukes, associate professor in the Department of Exceptional Student Education at UFA. Some 25 doctoral students and faculty, along with a Holmes Scholar from the University of Central Florida, attended the seminar with FAU’s Holmes Coordinator Rangasamy Ramasamy and Holmes Scholars Denise Dowdie, Danna Demezier, Shanett Dean, and Deborah McEwan (pictured above with Dukes). During the seminar, Dukes defined “big data” and explored how such data may be used for social science research. He also shared “big data” links that anyone can access, reviewed primary considerations for its usage, and provided an overview of a current research study with big data.   

Holmes Students invited to attend Big Data video presentation at FAU

Data is a central and essential element in the work of scholar-researchers. Big data or data sets with information too sizeable or intricate for traditional statistical software, can be particularly challenging to analyze. Some students may be yet unaware of the nuances of big data and how it can inform their research. Additionally, others may wonder where to start or find sources for big data that can yield helpful insights for their work.

If you would like to increase your working knowledge of what big data is, where to find it, and how it can grow your analysis, Florida Atlantic University’s (FAU) Holmes Scholars invites you to attend “The Story of BIG DATA with All the Small Details” presented by Charles Dukes. This dynamic presentation on the mammoth data sources that are ubiquitous to our lives will not only provide  participants with context and approaches for understanding big data, attendees will leave with a viable research agenda useful for their careers as social science researchers.

The presentation will take place on April 10, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. EST.  If you are interested in video-conference attendance please RSVP for access to join us via Skype at

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