Author Archive

Seema Mahato

Holmes Scholar, Ohio University

Reflections on Holmes Retreat: The ‘Needle-Moving’ Effect

Participants at the AACTE Holmes Dissertation Retreat and Research Symposium, July 26-28, 2018, Rowan University

As I reflect on the 2018 Holmes Dissertation Retreat and Research Symposium, one word strikes me repeatedly – timely. As a doctoral candidate in research methods and evaluation, I am currently finalizing the blueprint of my dissertation. The past 3 years in my program have been an exciting mix of academic and cocurricular activities where I have learned how the theory works. Now, in the final phase of my dissertation, it is time to transform the knowledge and competencies I acquired thus far into credentials–i.e., get my degree.

The sessions in the July retreat at Rowan University (NJ) were just what was needed to “move the needle” on my dissertation gauge. Thoughtful sessions not only provided us with resources for continuing and finishing our doctoral work, but also brought invaluable insights on how to expand our scholarly endeavors beyond graduation.