An #AACTE23 Recap: How the Digital Equity & Transformation Pledge Creates Digital Efficacy
At AACTE’s 75th Annual Meeting in February, incoming Committee on Innovation and Technology Member Laurie Bobley (Touro University) attended the Deeper Dive Session, “Technology Pledge into Practice – How the Digital Equity & Transformation Pledge Creates Digital Efficacy at EPPs,” presented by the committee. In the following article, she recaps the session’s content and implications.
Education at all levels has undergone a rapid transformational shift towards digital learning environments and the use of technology. Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) are now grappling with how to ensure that the changes are implemented in a way that is truly beneficial to teaching and learning. As EPPs also consider the future of learning, they have begun to recognize the vital role that technology must play.
The U.S. Department of Education and ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) worked with input from EPPs and other stakeholders by developing the EPP Pledge for Digital Equity and Transformation. The pledge focuses on “a vision for transforming educator preparation providers to meet the needs of today’s schools.” It consists of five pillars that can guide the preparation of educators to engage and educate students with technology in new learning environments.