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In New Hampshire: Discovery Education to Produce New Civics Curriculum for Schools 

In an effort to bolster civics education throughout the Granite State, the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED) is partnering with Discovery Education to support the development of informed students who are eager and ready to participate in democracy.  
In March, the governor and executive council approved a $1 million contract between NHED and Discovery Education to provide high-quality curriculum and instructional materials for New Hampshire students and teachers to help them explore the history, heritage, and principles of the New Hampshire Constitution and government it established.   
In 2021, the New Hampshire Department of Education made Discovery Education content available, at no cost, to all New Hampshire educators when it selected the Discovery Education Experience learning platform to support local learning environments with high-quality instructional material. Through this initial partnership, 100% of New Hampshire schools can use the Discovery platform and have engaged more than 1.4 million learning experiences. Expanding on that partnership, the new civics curriculum will be organized within a custom New Hampshire Civics Channel on the Discovery Education platform that will roll out to educators this fall. To support the implementation of this resource and to help drive the return on the State’s edtech investment, this new phase of the partnership will also include comprehensive teacher training for the effective use of the resources.