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Kentucky Department of Ed Presents Chronic Absenteeism Resources  

Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) team members provided an update on efforts to combat chronic absenteeism during a Superintendents Webcast on August 14. 

KDE defines a student as chronically absent if they have missed more than 10% of the enrolled time in school. This includes both excused and unexcused absences. Chronic absenteeism affects nearly 30% of students across the Commonwealth each year. 

“When students miss school, they miss out on learning, meaningful relationships, and countless other opportunities that are crucial for their development and future success,” said Commissioner of Education Robbie Fletcher. 

Educators Discuss Strategies to Help Students Succeed During 2024 Persistence To Graduation Summit 

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) hosted the 2024 Persistence to Graduation Summit in Lexington, KY, on June 11-12. 

Educators, superintendents, administrators,counselors, and other community leaders focused on ways to help students at all levels reach graduation, despite any challenges they face along the way. 

“There’s a lot of different kinds of barriers,” said KDE Division of Student Success Director Christina Weeter. “And they don’t just start in high school. They start in earlier years as well, and they can be cumulative.”