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Town Hall Meeting on Proposed Changes to AACTE Governance

In 2023, the AACTE Board of Directors appointed a task force composed of current and former board members to study best practices in association governance and recommend ways that AACTE’s governance system can best enable the association to meet current and future challenges.  

The task force has recommended changes to AACTE’s bylaws affecting board size and composition, the process for nominating and selecting board members, as well as the charge and composition of AACTE’s Executive Committee. All bylaw changes require member approval; late last month, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to refer the proposed bylaw revisions to a member vote, which will occur electronically in November.

AACTE Votes to Suspend 2025 Board Nominations

At its June meeting, the AACTE Board of Directors voted to suspend adding new members to the board in 2025. This decision is based on recommendations by the Board Composition Task Force, which I chair. The board created the task force in June 2023 to review and reexamine the current board structure that has been in place for at least 50 years.

The task force, which is composed of current and former AACTE board leaders, reviewed the literature on best practices in association governance and examined the structures in place at sister organizations. As a result of this study, our preliminary recommendations are to shift from the current representative structure for the Board of Directors — which is a 20th century model — to a competency-based board for which all AACTE members would be eligible. We also recommended reducing the size of the board from 20+ to no more than 12 to facilitate and promote board engagement in all aspects of association governance.