Author Archive

Deadline Approaching: 2024 Gloria J. Ladson-Billings Outstanding Book Award Nominations

There is still time to nominate a book for the AACTE 2024 Gloria J. Ladson-Billings Outstanding Book Award. This national award recognizes exemplary books that make a significant contribution to the knowledge base of educator preparation or of teaching and learning with implications for educator preparation. The deadline to submit entries is June 9.

This award is named after renowned scholar, Gloria J. Ladson-Billings, whose work has shaped the field in many ways, and her research in cultural pedagogy and equity in educator and student instruction, including critical race theory, has transcended beyond educator preparation. The award-winning book and its author/editor(s) will be recognized at AACTE’s 2024 Annual Meeting, February 16 -18 at the Gaylord Rockies in Aurora/Denver, CO.

Final Opportunity to Register, Drive Change at Washington Week

Educator preparation advocates play a vital role in advancing the advocacy agenda and supporting those who will teach future generations. Don’t miss this final opportunity to join teacher educators, scholars, and other members from colleges and institutions on June 4 to 7 for AACTE’s 2023 Washington Week, emphasizing the crucial theme of “Investing in Education.”

Registration for AACTE’s leading legislative conference ends on May 31 secure your spot today to join forces with change-makers in the educator preparation field.

Journal of Teacher Education Welcomes New Editor-in-Residence

The Journal of Teacher Education (JTE), AACTE’s flagship research journal, is pleased to announce its new editor-in-residence, A. Lin Goodwin. The role of the editor-in-residence is to serve as a knowledgeable other who has proven to be an essential and powerful voice in the field of education. This individual attends meetings with JTE editors, co-authors an editorial, and provides insight into the current state and future of the profession and solutions to overcoming challenges.

Call for Entries: AACTE’s Gloria J. Ladson-Billings Outstanding Book Award and James D. Anderson Outstanding Dissertation Award

AACTE recognizes exemplary research, writing and practices in educator preparation through its Awards Program. The two leading research and writing awards elevate an outstanding book and dissertation in the field. The Gloria J. Ladson-Billings Outstanding Book Award recognizes a published book that offers new perspectives and solutions, and centers equity in education and educator preparation, so it’s only fitting that this award is named after renowned scholar, Gloria J. Ladson-Billings. Her work has shaped the field in many ways, and her research in cultural pedagogy and equity in educator and student instruction, including critical race theory, has transcended beyond educator preparation.

Registration Now Open: 2023 Leadership Academy

 Registration is now open for AACTE’s Leadership Academy — a unique opportunity for deans, department chairs, and other administrators and faculty to enhance their leadership skills, address current issues, and build a professional peer network. Whether just beginning your career in academic leadership, or a seasoned and experienced leader with years of experience, this year’s Leadership Academy provides professional development that is essential and applicable to everyone, including a New Deans Academy:

  • Leadership Academy: Sunday, July 30 – Thursday, August 3, and 
  • New Deans Academy: Thursday, August 3 – Friday, August 4  

What to Expect at Washington Week

Support Your Cause and Get Ready to Influence Policy June 4 – 7

AACTE exists to advocate for high-quality and equitable education for all — and works to amplify the voices of its member advocates. Teacher educators, scholars, and other members from colleges and institutions nationwide are invited to attend AACTE’s 2023 Washington Week on June 4 – 7. Under this year’s theme of “Investing in Education,” AACTE’s national advocacy event will inspire attendees to explore some of the most pressing policy issues in educator preparation, such as censorship, educator shortage, and educator diversity.

Register today, and remember to book your hotel by May 24 to receive your special rate.

AACTE Celebrates Volunteers During #NationalVolunteerWeek

In celebration of National Volunteer Week, AACTE thanks all members who give their time to advance AACTE and its vision to revolutionize education for all learners. AACTE is grateful to those who support the organization in a number of ways:

It does not go unnoticed that volunteering your time, while fulfilling your role at your institution, is a great sacrifice. AACTE not only thanks you but also acknowledges that without your efforts, the organization’s mission and programs could not succeed or move forward.

AACTE President & CEO Discusses Academic Freedom at #SpeechMatters Conference

AACTE President and CEO Lynn M. Gangone recently joined other leaders from higher education, politics, media, and civil society in exploring ways for institutions of higher education to protect democratic freedoms during the fifth annual #SpeechMatters conference. Themed “Fighting for our Democratic Freedoms,” the conference was held virtually in March to respond to the increasing number of state legislation aimed at censoring curriculum and democratic values significantly weakened by political polarization and misinformation.

Volunteer for a Leadership Position with AACTE

If Not You, Then Who? Apply to Join an AACTE Committee

Have you considered volunteering for a leadership position in AACTE? Now is a great time to volunteer and lend your talent and expertise to one of AACTE’s programmatic advisory committees. Nominations are due by April 28.

Educator preparation is an essential element in revolutionizing education for all learners and advancing the profession. AACTE is at the center of efforts to ensure that all students receive the expert instruction and support they need and deserve. 

I wanted to seek out leadership opportunities within a national organization and AACTE seemed like a good fit for me. I have had experience with conferences and programming with other organizations and this committee seemed to fit my area of expertise and interest. — Tori Colson, Meetings and Professional Development Committee

It’s National Volunteer Month: Join AACTE’s Community of Leaders

As AACTE continues its work to revolutionize education and advance the educator profession, the Association celebrates the committed, talented, and thoughtful volunteer leaders who serve on its programmatic advisory committees. Are you ready to lend your expertise and assume a leadership role in the national educator preparation community, or do you know someone who is? Nominate yourself or a colleague by April 28 to serve on one of the following programmatic advisory committees:

  • Educator Diversity
  • Global Diversity
  • Government Relations and Advocacy
  • Holmes Program
  • Innovation and Technology
  • Meetings and Professional Development
  • Membership Development and Capacity Building
  • Research and Dissemination