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Shaping Ethical AI in Education: Call for Participation in Developing Comprehensive Guidelines 

This article is authored by the following: 

  • Anne Tapp Jaksa, Saginaw Valley State University 
  • Dan Dao, University of Iowa 
  • Jill Waliczek, Saginaw Valley State University 
  • Alex St. Clair, Caro Community Schools 

As the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into educational environments continues to grow, so does the need for clear, ethical guidelines that ensure AI’s use is responsible, equitable, and transparent. Colleges of Education, in partnership with P-12 schools, are embarking on an important research project focused on the theme of “Ethics and Digital Citizenship in Colleges of Education and P-12 Environments.” 

Our goal is to develop comprehensive ethical guidelines for the use of AI in instructional design, emphasizing data privacy, algorithmic fairness, and the transparency of AI tools. These guidelines will support educators, students, and institutions in navigating the complexities of AI technology while fostering a digital culture rooted in responsibility and ethics. 

We Need Your Input 

We are calling on Colleges of Education and P-12 educators and administrators to share their existing AI policies and ethical guidelines. Your contributions will help us create a robust, inclusive framework that reflects the diverse perspectives and experiences of educators across the country. 

Why Participate? 

  • Influence AI Policy: Your input will directly impact the development of AI policies that will shape the future of education. 
  • Collaborate with Peers: Engage with a network of educators and institutions committed to ethical AI practices. 
  • Contribute to Research: Be a part of groundbreaking research that addresses the challenges and opportunities of AI in education. 

How to Get Involved: 

  • Share Your Policies: We are conducting a survey to collect AI and ethical guidelines from Colleges of Education and P-12 environments. Whether your institution already has a policy, is in the process of developing one, or does not have a policy, we want to hear from you. 
  • Collaborate on Research: If you’re interested in being more actively involved in this research project, there are opportunities to contribute to the literature review, policy development, and more.

To participate or for more information, please use the links above or contact the project Principal Investigator, Anne Tapp Jaksa, at artapp@svsu.edu. 

Together, we can ensure that AI serves as a tool for educational equity and innovation while safeguarding the ethical standards that are essential to a responsible digital future. 

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