Archive for 2024

Calling All Holmes Scholars in Early Childhood Special Education Programs: Funding and Professional Development Opportunities

AACTE is proud to offer financial and professional development support to Holmes scholars enrolled in doctoral studies in early childhood special education to help them take their research and careers to the next level through our partnership program with the Early Childhood Intervention Personnel Center on Equity (ECIPC-E) at the University of Connecticut. This national initiative, funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs, aims to enhance outcomes for infants and young children with disabilities and their families by bolstering the pipeline of skilled early childhood leaders and practitioners.

Empower Your Teacher Candidates to Observe Classrooms Like A Pro Using ATLAS

Are you looking to elevate your teaching practice to new heights? Look no further than ATLAS — the ultimate resource for educator preparation professionals.  More than 200 institutions utilize ATLAS, a resource created by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards. As a member of AACTE, you have the exclusive opportunity to access ATLAS at a discounted rate of 20% on both individual and institutional subscriptions — but time is running out. Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer, as the discount expires June 30.

Registration Open for AACTE Leadership Academy


Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? Registration is now open for the highly anticipated 2024 AACTE Leadership Academy, scheduled to take place from June 18 to June 20 in the vibrant city of Cleveland, Ohio.

Attendees will engage with higher education thought leaders, expand their network of supportive colleagues and peers, and develop strategies together. This academy will ensure that AACTE deans, department and program chairs, and other academic leaders are prepared to successfully navigate their roles and responsibilities on campus and achieve their goals and vision for the future of educator preparation.

Lunch with Lynn Featuring Pomeroy Award Winner Kimberly A. White-Smith

Join AACTE on Tuesday, March 26, at 1:00 p.m. EST for Lunch with Lynn, to learn about the work of  AACTE 2024 Edward C. Pomeroy Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education Winner, Kimberly A. White-Smith, Ed.D.

White-Smith, dean and professor at the School of Leadership and Education Sciences at the University of San Diego and vice president of the California Council on Teacher Education, will join AACTE President and CEO Lynn M. Gangone, Ed.D. to share her insight on the realm of teacher education. White-Smith has over 25 years dedicated to urban schooling and educator development and has been a fervent advocate for academic justice, particularly for marginalized communities.

Journal of Teacher Education Volume 75 Issue 2 Available Now

Volume 75 Issue 2 of the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE 75.2) is now available online. This volume marks the 75th publication year of JTE, which prompted authors Valerie Hill-Jackson, Ed.D., and Cheryl J. Craig, Ph.D.,  to share the historical timeline of the editors’ terms in an editorial, “Where the Good Ideas Are’: 75 Years of the Journal of Teacher Education.”  

The editorial details the story of how the myriad of editors for the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) safeguarded a space to highlight ideas essential to research of preservice and in-service teacher education within an ever-changing global context for nearly 75 years.  

AACTE Statement on President Biden’s FY 2025 Budget

On behalf of AACTE (American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education), President and CEO Lynn M. Gangone, Ed.D., issued the following statement today regarding President Biden’s FY 2025 budget investments: 

“AACTE and its member colleges and universities applaud President Biden’s commitment to ensuring that all children benefit from well-prepared, fully qualified teachers,” Gangone said. “We look forward to working with Congress to enact this funding, which will support innovative educator preparation models that are resulting in increased enrollment in educator preparation programs across the country.” 

AACTE Announces CEO’s Plans to Retire

After seven years of committed service, Lynn M. Gangone, Ed.D., CAE, president and CEO of AACTE (American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education) has announced her plans to retire later this year.  

AACTE is composed of higher education member institutions and programs that prepare the greatest number of professional educators in the United States and its territories, including teachers, counselors, administrators, and college faculty. 

FAQs Available for AACTE Members on Title IV Regulations 

To help members comply with new final regulations from the U.S. Department of Education for programs that lead to state professional licensure or certification, AACTE has developed a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs). The new regulations apply to all institutions that participate in federal student aid programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (e.g., Pell Grants, Federal Student Loans).   

Staff at the U.S. Department of Education have reviewed the document for accuracy, but it is not a substitute for official Department of Education guidance. AACTE offers this FAQ to assist member institutions with planning while they await the publication of official guidance.  

Join AACTE’s Educator Preparation in Partnership with Families and Communities TAG

The AACTE Topical Action Group (TAG) on Community-Engaged Teacher Preparation has rebranded and is seeking new members. The new TAG on Educator Preparation in Partnership with Families and Communities is intended to be more inclusive of family-school partnerships and seeks to build and sustain a collaborative network of educators who are committed to redefining systems of educator preparation wherein the principles of reflection, connection, collaboration, and co-leadership alongside families and communities are elevated as essential to a field which seeks an equitable experience for all learners.  The TAG will create a space for the sharing of innovative and best practices and will foster opportunities for members to collaborate on research, curate resources, and work toward the promotion of policies and strategies to improve programs of educator preparation within the universal contexts of love and justice.   

Register for NJACTE Annual Day of Assessment Conference Kicking Off Thursday

On Thursday, March 21, the New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE) will be holding our Annual Day of Assessment Conference with the theme, “The Expanding Landscape of Assessment: Important Conversations.” The conference is free to attend and accessible entirely online by our conference host, Rutgers University – Newark. As always, this special learning opportunity is open to all AACTE affiliate members and their professional networks. Register online now. 

A Pre-Conference Session “Introducing Praxis Preparation: Redefined” by our generous sponsor 240 Tutoring will begin at 1:00 p.m. 

Election 2024: Implications of Federal and State Races for Educator Preparation

An #AACTE24 Session Recap and Reflection

The session “Election 2024: Implications of Federal and State Races for Educator Preparation” at the AACTE 2024 Annual Meeting provided a comprehensive analysis of the potential impacts of the upcoming elections on educator preparation programs (EPPs). The panel comprised political strategists, policy experts, and representatives from membership organizations, offering diverse perspectives on the subject.

New Documentary Offers Insights for the Future of High School Learning

XQ’s featured session included clips from “The First Class,” a new documentary about a high school in Memphis. The film includes powerful examples of project-based learning.

It was wonderful seeing so many of you at the AACTE 2024 Annual Meeting. In keeping with this year’s theme, “Ascending New Heights: Propelling the Profession into the Future,” there were inspiring conversations about how to support and empower educators at a time of tremendous change.

We heard how states are looking at their teacher pipelines post-pandemic — and the need to prepare educators for the continued challenges of absenteeism and learning loss. Speakers addressed the importance of representation and diversity in the profession and the desire to bolster educators to succeed with a whole-child instructional approach.

Oregon Expands Career Readiness with $7.6 Million Investment in Hands-On Learning for 74 Schools

Seventy-four Oregon high schools — serving more than 36,000 students — have secured career readiness grants totaling $7.629 million, Oregon Department of Education Director Charlene Williams and Labor Commissioner Christina Stephenson announced today.    

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Revitalization Grant funds from the State of Oregon will serve diverse communities around the state, with programs focused on advanced manufacturing, agricultural science, business, computer science, construction, cosmetology, engineering, firefighting, health sciences, hospitality, media, and natural resources. 

University of New Mexico and Albuquerque Public Schools Partnership Boosts Restorative Practices for Students of All Ages 

If you ever needed a perfect example of how the University of New Mexico directly feeds into the community, you don’t need to look further than the College of Education and Human Sciences (COEHS).

The new Restorative Practice Partnership between COEHS, the District Teacher Residency Program (DTRP), and Garfield Middle School is creating a fundamental pipeline of restorative practices from children, to future teachers, and to the classroom. 

“Our partnership with Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) is underscored by experiences like this for our Teacher Residents,” DTRP Director and COEHS Professor Marjori Krebs said. “By providing opportunities for our future teachers and future principals to learn the power of Restorative Practices from the Garfield Middle School students and teachers provides them with an excellent foundation for leading their own classrooms and schools.”  

AACTE Lunch & Learn: Designing a Syllabus Using Generative AI

On Thursday, March 21, 2024, from 1:00 – 1:45 p.m. ET, members are invited to attend the AACTE Lunch & Learn: Designing a Syllabus Using Generative AI. 

In this session led by AACTE Innovation and Technology member, Laurie Bobley, Ed.D., of Touro University, attendees will explore how to develop an effective, standards-based syllabus using generative AI and the potential limitations surrounding this emerging technology.