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JTE Highlights Teacher Residencies in New Call for Manuscripts 

The Journal of Teacher Education (JTE), AACTE’s flagship publication, is seeking manuscripts by December 1, 2024, to be submitted online for the journal’s 75th anniversary — with a special issue focusing on issues related to teacher education for pre- and in-service teachers. 

Manuscripts submitted for consideration should be research/empirical reports and analyses or conceptual essays. 

“Without question, time in the field helps teacher candidates traverse the theory-practice divide. Teacher residency programs are advanced forms of field-based learning or clinical preparation for beginning teachers,” Co-editor Valerie Hill-Jackson, Ed.D., said in the Call for Manuscripts. 

By definition, teacher residencies are district-serving teacher education programs that pair an initial teacher alongside a cooperating or mentor teacher for a rigorous full-year classroom experience (Solomon, 2009; Wasburn-Moses, 2017). Teacher residencies are touted as an innovative approach to pre-service preparation (Guha et al., 206), even as appeals from lawmakers, at the time of this call, seek restrictions in funding mechanisms (U.S. House Appropriations Committee, 2024). Many practitioners have leaned into teacher residencies with the full force and confidence that such advanced training for clinical teaching may transform the field of teacher education, according to the Call. 

The deadline to submit is December 1, 2024, by 11:59 p.m. EST. Visit the JTE webpage for more information or read the full guidelines for the Call for Manuscripts. 

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