AACTE Celebrates Pride Month 2024

As Pride Month unfolds this June, AACTE commemorates the importance of fostering inclusive educational environments. Recognizing the imperative to integrate LGBTQ+ histories and perspectives into teaching curricula, AACTE provides members with essential resources to cultivate supportive spaces for students and teacher candidates of all identities.

Please see the following list of resources for educators curated by AACTE that will empower you to continue to be more inclusive in your teaching experience:

Join AACTE’s LGBTQ Advocacy and Inclusion in Teacher Education Topical Action Group

This topical action group (TAG) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary group that advocates for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ topics in teacher preparation, through law and policy, curriculum and instruction, school environment, peer relationships, and family partnerships. Educators and families need to know the rights and responsibilities of schools to ensure non-discriminatory environments and curricula that impact all children. Teacher education programs are often the first places where educators learn to address bias, prejudice, and discrimination, as well as collaborate with school districts to make schools safe, welcoming, and inclusive for gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ youth and families.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email membership@aacte.org.

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