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Understanding AI in Education: Your Participation is Essential 

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education continues to reshape teaching and learning landscapes. Our commitment to understanding this transformation is exemplified through our ongoing research, focused on the perceptions and experiences of PK-12 and post-secondary educators with AI tools. As AI’s influence grows, it is crucial to gather and analyze insights from those at the forefront of educational innovation — our pre-service and in-service educators and school administrators. 

In a recent study, a majority of educational stakeholders expressed favorable views toward AI tools (Impact Research, 2023b). Yet, detailed understanding of how these tools are being utilized and their impacts remains limited. Surveys tailored to capture the nuanced experiences and perceptions of undergraduate and graduate students within educator preparation programs (EPPs) will explore these dynamics further, providing a comparative analysis with high school students’ AI engagement (Schiel, Bobek, & Schnieders, 2023). 

Why Your Participation is Crucial 

The insights garnered from your students will enable us to craft more effective educational strategies and enhance our curriculum to better prepare educators for a technology-driven future. By participating in this research, you are not only contributing to scholarly discourse but also influencing the future of educational practices. 

Incentives for Participants 

To express our gratitude for participation, we will share all data with participating EPPs. Further, survey participants will be entered in a drawing to win $50 Amazon gift cards for participating in the five-minute surveys.  

How You Can Participate 

We urge you to encourage participation within your EPP by sharing the survey links below with your colleagues and students:  

Should your participating EPP wish to receive comprehensive data from these surveys, please provide your contact information here. 

Participation in this research not only contributes to a broader understanding of AI in education but also positions your institution at the forefront of educational innovation. We deeply value your partnership and look forward to your active involvement. 

Take Action Today 

By facilitating and promoting participation in this survey, you are playing a pivotal role in shaping the educational technologies that will define the future of teaching and learning. Together, we can unlock the full potential of AI in education. 

Thank you for your commitment and participation. 


Impact Research. (2023b). Teachers and students embrace ChatGPT for education. https://8ce82b94a8c4fdc3ea6d-b1d233e3bc3cb10858bea65ff05e18f2.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/ae/8 4/133976234126a2ad139411c1e770/impact-research-teachers-and-students-tech-poll-summarymemo.pdf  

ISTE. (2023). Bringing AI to school: Tips for school leaders.https://cdn.iste.org/www-root/2023-07/Bringing_AI_to_School-2023_07.pdf 

Schiel, J., Bobek, B.L., & Schnieders, J.Z. (2023). High School Students’ Use and Impressions of AI Tools. ACT Research. https://www.act.org/content/dam/act/secured/documents/High-School-Students-Use-and-Impressions-of-AI-Tools-Accessible.pdf 

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