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National Center for Learning Disabilities Research and Survey

My name is Lauren Wong and I am from WestEd, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization engaged in educational technical support and research across the country. We are partnered with the National Center for Learning Disabilities, one of the nation’s leading organizations advancing the lives of individuals with learning disabilities through policy, innovation, practice, and outreach. We are working together to learn about the experiences, opinions, and perspectives of educators who teach students with learning disabilities. 

We are surveying K-12 educators who teach students with learning disabilities. Your participation in this survey will help us understand your experiences teaching students with learning disabilities, the needs you have related to professional development and access to resources, and your school’s climate. All information shared will be kept secure and will be de-identified to protect your privacy and confidentiality. Results from this survey will be used to guide NCLD’s efforts in outreach, policy, and advocacy.

Participation is completely voluntary and would involve about 20 minutes of your time. Participants who complete the survey will receive a $10 Amazon.com gift card. 

Please view and complete the survey online if you are interested. We appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and experiences with the research team. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at lwong2@wested.org.

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