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Global Education Opportunities, Resources Available to Members

The AACTE Global Education Faculty Professional Learning Community (PLC), supported by the Longview Foundation, recently concluded following a year dedicated to professional growth, networking, and collaborative endeavors spanning various institutions. As a result of their participation, PLC members created a Global Education Consortium of Resources that can be found on AACTE’s Connect 360 website. AACTE members are encouraged to log in to Connect 360 and to peruse the library and/or upload additional resources. 

For members who are interested in globalizing teacher education, AACTE offers several opportunities to engage in professional networks and development including the following: 

  • Nominate yourself for the AACTE Programming Action Committee on Global Diversity. This committee is charged with fostering the development of quality teaching and professional education practices that promote diversity, equity, and global perspectives that advance the preparation of world-class educators responsive to all learners. The call for nominations opens this summer, so stay tuned for more information. 

Immerse yourself in global education content by watching the following AACTE webinars:  

 For more information contact Brooke Evans, AACTE assistant director of research & practice. 

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Brooke Evans

Director, Research and Practice