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Trellis, Blooms, and Bees: Creating a Twice-Exceptional Teacher Education Program at Cleveland State University

Lunch & Learn with Claire E. Hughes

AACTE is pleased to offer Lunch & Learns: professional development opportunities for members. These 30-minute sessions are designed to provide you with an immediate tool or strategy to apply to your work. All Lunch & Learns will be available on-demand for AACTE members. Watch them during your lunch break or whenever it is convenient for you. 

AACTE will continue its Lunch & Learn series with Trellis, Blooms, and Bees: Creating a Twice-Exceptional Teacher Education Program at Cleveland State University on Thursday, February 1, from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. ET.

Claire E. Hughes (Cleveland State University) will highlight the online program at Cleveland State University which is the first in the country to offer a Twice-Exceptional Teacher Education program: one that integrates the development of talent and strengths from gifted education while providing support for learning and social challenges from special education. Using the “Trellis and Bloom” model, the unique needs of this population will be highlighted, along with the multiple sets of standards that structured the process by which this program was created. Developing new programs can be challenging and yet the needs of the students and the teachers who serve them are too significant not to serve.   

Visit the AACTE events page to register or to read more about this Lunch & Learn. 

For more information or to register for AACTE’s special education affinity group, Championing Special Educators, please visit AACTE’s website. 

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Brooke Evans

Director, Research and Practice