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Special Education Teacher Advocates Invited to First Meeting of AACTE, CEEDAR Collaboration

Championing Special Educators: Strategies for Recruitment & Retention in Educator Preparation, a Collaboration Between AACTE and CEEDAR

On October 31, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, special education teacher advocates are invited to attend the first meeting of the new national affinity group, Championing Special Educators: Strategies for Recruitment & Retention in Educator Preparation.  The first meeting, Multiple Pathways into the Profession, will dive into two educator preparation programs providing innovative ways for students to obtain special education educator licensure.

Elena Andrei, Ed.D., and Claire E. Hughes, Ph.D., of Cleveland State University will share information on their DREAM project, a master’s program degree that results in two initial licensures (P-5, Early Childhood Intervention Specialist), and a TESOL endorsement.

Additionally, LeAnne Syring, Ph.D., will discuss Southwest Minnesota State University’s non-traditional special education licensure path, Para-to-SpEd. This program prepares paraprofessionals to earn the credentials to become successful, licensed special educators. The candidates can continue working as paraprofessionals while earning a bachelor’s degree in special education academic behavioral strategist (ABS) K-12.

After presentations, members will break into small groups to exchange ideas and explore innovative ways to tackle current challenges to address the burgeoning educator shortage.

Register here for the Championing Special Educators: Strategies for Recruitment & Retention in Educator Preparation group.

For more information, visit the AACTE website or contact Brooke Evans at bevans@aacte.org.

Elena Andrei, Ed.D. 
Associate Professor
TESOL and DREAM Programs Coordinator
Cleveland State University


Claire E. Hughes, Ph.D.
Professor of Gifted, Special, and Twice-Exceptional Education
Cleveland State University


LeAnne Syring, Ph.D.
Coordinator & Associate Professor of Special Education Programming
Southwest Minnesota State University

The affinity group, Championing Special Educators: Strategies for Recruitment & Retention in Educator Preparation, is a national collaboration with Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) in order to offer AACTE members the opportunity to glean insights from comprehensive educator preparation programs and educational partners who have excelled in recruiting and preparing candidates to become fully licensed special educators. At each meeting, this professional learning series will highlight successful strategies that educator preparation programs (EPPs) have employed to increase enrollment of special education candidates, including collaborating with K-12 districts, universities, and community partners, and utilizing data collection efforts to drive decision-making.


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Brooke Evans

Director, Research and Practice