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Leveraging Technology and Digital Advances to Develop Global Competencies in Teacher Educators and Candidates

As part of AACTE’s Longview Foundation-supported Global Education Faculty PLC Professional Learning Series, on Thursday, October 12, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET, you are invited to attend the public webinar, Leveraging Technology and Digital Advances to Develop Global Competencies in Teacher Educators and Candidates. Learn about the ways technology can be used to develop global competencies for both teacher educators and their students.

Join us as we explore different perspectives on how recent world events have led to an even greater need for global citizenship through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology. Panelists also will make the case for learning to learn with technology rather than trying to control its evolution. The session will showcase examples of pedagogy, practice, and actions teachers can employ with students in developing global competencies.


  • Lin Wu, Ph.D., Western Oregon University


  • Michael Kopish, Ph.D., Ohio University
  • Iveta Silova, Ph.D., Arizona State University
  • Yong Zhao, Ph.D., University of Kansas

Registration: For more information, or to register for the October 12 webinar, Leveraging Technology and Digital Advances to Develop Global Competencies in Teacher Educators and Candidates, please visit aacte.org. This webinar is open to the public.

The Global Education Faculty Professional Development Series is supported by the Longview Foundation. For more information on the Longview Foundation, please visit longviewfdn.org.


Brooke Evans

Director, Research and Practice