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Join the Conversation: Cross-Cultural Collaboration

As part of the Longview Foundation-supported Global Education Faculty Professional Learning Series, AACTE is proud to partner with member institutions Marist College, the University of Florida, and the University of Missouri-St. Louis as they discuss their international collaborations with teacher educators from Brazil, Ecuador, and South Africa. The webinar, “Cross-Cultural Collaboration: How EPPs Can Foster Relationships with International Partners,” will take place on Wednesday, September 20 from 1:00 – 2:15 p.m. ET via Zoom.

Global education promotes communication skills, critical thinking, and reflective techniques, all of which are crucial to learning development. Learn how these international partnerships teach students how to inquire about the world, engage in respectful dialogue, and encourage the use of technology as a means of globalizing educator preparation. The learning outcomes will address the following:

  • How cross-cultural opportunities can be created through the use of a virtual environment
  • Unique ways to engage students with international partners through both mobile and stationary exchange work
  • Defining COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) collaborations and how they can build intercultural competencies and support for both in-service and pre-service teachers in educator preparation programs

Moderating the panel is AACTE’s Committee on Global Diversity Co-Chair Gilda Martinez Alba (Towson University). Members of the panel are AACTE’s Committee on Global Diversity Co-chair Christina Wright-Fields (Marist College), Alina Slapac (University of Missouri-St Louis), and Tara Mathien, (University of Florida). All panelists are currently participating as members of the AACTE Global Education Faculty Professional Learning Community (PLC).

The international panelists are Jancileidi Hübner (University of Passo Fundo), Karen Collett (University of the Western Cape), and Renata Castillo (Universidad San Francisco de Quito).

For more information on this webinar, please visit aacte.org. To register for the September 20, 1:00 p.m. ET webinar, “Cross-Cultural Collaboration: How EPPs Can Foster Relationships with International Partners,” visit members.aacte.org.


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Brooke Evans

Director, Research and Practice