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AACTE Provides Washington Week Attendees with Resources to Stay Engaged with Policymakers

On behalf of AACTE, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to those who attended the recent policy and advocacy event in Washington, D.C. Your presence and active participation made it a resounding success, and I’m thrilled that we had the opportunity to discuss and advocate for programs that strengthen and expand the education workforce.  Additionally, please take a moment to watch the brief video from AACTE’s President and CEO Lynn M. Gangone. She encourages us to stay connected so that we can remain active and engaged in the work of advocating for educator preparation.

As we approach the next phase of our advocacy efforts, I encourage attendees to continue your engagement and advocacy by partaking in one or any combination of the following:  

  • Send a follow-up email to the offices you met with while in Washington, D.C. Please feel free to utilize the template available in AACTE’s Connect360.
  • Encourage your colleagues to send an email advocating for AACTE’s priorities, using this template.
  • Invite the staffer you met with to come to your class or institution, following all necessary university protocols. 
  • Maintain relationships with your Congressional offices in both D.C. and at home; please see the “Tips for Maintaining Congressional Relationships.”
  • Engage with the Policy and Advocacy tools available to you through your AACTE membership.

Once again, thank you, attendees, for your invaluable contribution and enthusiastic participation. Together, we can make a significant difference in advancing our legislative priorities and strengthening the education workforce. I look forward to our continued collaboration and the positive impact we will make.  

Kaitlyn M. Brennan, Ph.D., is an AACTE consultant.

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