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The Teacher Educators’ Journal: Call for Manuscripts

The Teacher Educators’ Journal (TTEJ) is published by the Virginia Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators (VACTE), a state unit of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). The journal aims to stimulate discussion and reflection about issues related to teacher education; authors need not be based and research need not be conducted in Virginia for manuscripts to be considered for publication. Manuscripts submitted for consideration may be research/empirical reports and analyses, position papers, book reviews, or conceptual essays.

To facilitate collaboration amongst teacher education scholars and practitioners and improve teaching, research, and student learning, the theme for the Spring 2024 journal is “The Value and Impact of Teacher Education Programs, Structures, and Pedagogies.” Using ATE’s Standards for Teacher Educators as a guide, the range of potential topics might include, but is not limited to, how our teacher education programs, structures, and pedagogies (e.g., clinical experience structures, teaching methods, school-university partnerships, course designs, etc.) are valuable to and/or impact:

  • Our schools, universities, and other educational institutions
  • Our communities and community members
  • School, university, local, state, and federal policies
  • The teaching and teacher education professions
  • PK-12 teaching and teacher education pedagogies
  • PK-12 students’ learning, well-being, and success
  • Preservice and in-service teacher learning, well-being, and success
  • Induction of new teachers into the teaching profession
  • Alternative pathways into the teaching profession
  • Mentors, mentoring, and coaching of new and in-service teachers
  • Current political contexts, realities, debates, and discussions
  • PK-12 students’, teachers’, and teacher candidates’ return to school and learning post-pandemic
  • School and university constituents’ antiracist- and social justice-focused pedagogies and activities
  • Virtual and hybrid programs, structures, and pedagogies
  • Teachers’, teacher candidates’, teacher educators’, and youths’ participation in collaborative inquiries
  • Authentic teacher education evaluation and accreditation structures

General Information

  • The Teacher Educators’ Journal is a peer-reviewed publication with articles focused on issues related to teacher education.
  • The Teacher Educators’ Journal is published digitally in the spring of each year.
  • Opinions and points of view expressed by individual authors do not necessarily represent those of VACTE or the journal’s editors.
  • Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information within manuscripts.
  • Published manuscripts become the property of VACTE.

Manuscript Considerations

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that meet any or all of the following criteria:

  • Positionality and perspective of author(s) represent the diversity of the PK-12 student population in the United States
  • Research methodology is innovative and/or includes strategies underrepresented in teacher education studies
  • Scholarship is conducted in, and/or authors represent, a range of US regions and states
  • Authors represent a range of demographics, career stages, and subject expertise
  • Study addresses an issue relevant to Virginia teacher education initiatives, national teacher education association priorities, and/or federal education policy issues

Submission Guidelines

  • All manuscripts must be fully blinded to ensure a reliable review process.
  • All manuscripts must meet publishing guidelines established by the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual (7th edition; 2019).
  • A manuscript, inclusive of references, tables, and figures, should not exceed 5000 words; submissions that grossly exceed this limit may not be accepted for review.
  • All manuscripts must include a 150-word abstract and three (3) keywords.
  • All manuscripts must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format.
  • All manuscripts must be double-spaced with one-inch margins and composed in 12 pt Times New Roman font.
  • In general, manuscripts should include standard scholarly manuscript sections (e.g., introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, and discussion), but alternative manuscript formats and sections will be considered.
  • All manuscripts must make clear the implications of the study and/or theoretical/conceptual analysis for antiracist and social justice principles, practices, and policies.
  • All manuscripts must include a separate cover page with the following information:
    • Title of the manuscript
    • Date of submission
    • Lead author’s name, titles/roles, mailing address, business and mobile/home telephone numbers, and institutional affiliation and address, email address and fax number
    • Additional authors’ names, titles/roles, institutional affiliations, and email addresses
    • A statement that this manuscript is not under consideration nor has it been published elsewhere

Review Process

Authors will be notified via email upon receipt of their manuscripts. After a preliminary editorial review, manuscripts that meet VACTE specifications will be sent to reviewers. With the exception of the cover page, VACTE requires that authors omit any identifying information to ensure a blind review. Authors are encouraged to review the Manuscript Evaluation Instrument prior to submitting a manuscript.

Submission Requirements and Communication with The Teacher Educators’ Journal

Authors should submit an electronic version of their manuscript using the Manuscript Submission Form. All manuscripts must be received by November 1, 2023 for consideration for the Spring 2024 issue. Please direct all questions about the journal to askTTEJ@gmail.com.

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