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New AACTE TAG Strengthens Evidence-Based Practices in Comprehensive Mental Health

Are you interested in advocating and bolstering social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health (SEBMH) content and practice in your teacher education program? As the director of professional development for the Scanlan Center for School Mental Health at the University of Iowa, I invite teacher education professionals to join AACTE’s newly-formed SEBMH Topical Action Group (TAG).

This TAG will create a space from AACTE members to share evidence-based SEBMH information and practices to increase SEBMH programming and skill development in teacher education programs. The SEBMH TAG would work to advocate for the implementation of culturally responsive and equity-centered SEBMH practices that use a trauma-informed lens to create spaces that are welcoming and affirming for all students. This work also includes the teaching and understanding of compassion fatigue, and holistic, systemic wellness programming to improve teacher retention — particularly for teachers of color and LGBTQ+ educators.

Examples of projects and potential outcomes for this TAG include but are not limited to local, state, and national advocacy; combined research efforts; conference presentations; podcast appearance (SCSMH Educator Wellness Podcast); and a newsletter or blog. If you are interested in joining this TAG, please contact me at kari-vogelgesang@uiowa.edu.

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