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Tips for Writing a Successful Annual Meeting Proposal

Submit Your Proposal by October 1

As AACTE celebrates 75 years during its Annual Meeting, February 24 – 26 in Indianapolis, this year’s conference promises to be even more engaging under its theme “Innovation through Inspiration: Remembering the Past to Revolutionize the Future.”

Do you want to feature your work during AACTE’s 2023 Annual Meeting? This year’s conference is an opportunity to reflect upon our journey as we innovate for the future: What could, and should, authentic educator preparation, and education overall, look like? How do you we the discoveries of recent research and the successes of programs for the betterment of the profession? How do we continue to address inequities to shape a more equitable and just educational system?

Each year, AACTE receives many more proposals for consideration than can be accommodated, and only the “best of the best” content makes its way into the programming for the conference.

Explore these ideas to craft a successful submission:

  1. Follow the Format– Your proposal will be evaluated based upon the 10 criteria outlined in the Expectations for Presentations. Familiarize yourself with these prior to writing your proposal. Remember, any information that directly identifies either the author(s) or the institution(s) must not be included.

  2. Structure Your Session– Identify the type of session you want to present at the Annual Meeting. Review the AACTE session types, and ensure your proposal reflects the format of your selected session type.

  3. Speak to the Strand– Address not only the conference theme, but one of the five strands as well. Review AACTE’s official Call for Proposals, select the strand your work best supports, and ensure your proposal answers one or more of its guiding questions.

  4. Talk about Takeaways– Reviewers will be looking for outcomes that attendees can implement, and your proposal should outline what knowledge those attending your session can both gain and apply at their institutions.

  5. Engage Authentically –Prepare a proposal that presents your story and uses your Successful proposals engage attendees and incorporate multiple viewpoints and feedback.

Submit your proposal by October 1 and demonstrate how your innovative work is revolutionizing the future off educator preparation and education.

Interested in becoming a peer reviewer?

Peer Reviewers from a variety of background areas within the educator preparation field serve an important role in ensuring outstanding learning opportunities are selected from the proposals submitted. AACTE encourages you to volunteer to serve as a peer reviewer and help shape the focus of the 75th Annual Meeting. Visit Call for Reviewers, and apply by September 30.

For questions about the AACTE Annual Meeting, contact Marta Perez Drake at mdrake@aacte.org.
