Shortage to Surplus: 5 Shifts to Address the National Educator Shortage
AACTE participated in this past spring’s National Educator Shortage Summit, to promote conversations across traditional silos, hosted by the American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA). The Summit convened PK-20 stakeholders to discuss educator workforce and pipeline shortages with a culminating report, Shortage to Surplus: 5 Shifts to Address the National Educator Shortage.
The report moves beyond surface-level responses to examine deeper, systemic issues that contribute to mismatches between educator supply and demand. Five comprehensive shifts are presented in contrast to traditional calls to action. A discussion of each shift contains high-level recommendations, along with examples of actions that different stakeholder groups can take to address the educator shortage.
Representatives from stakeholder organizations, including AACTE, government, associations, nonprofits, preparation programs, and PK-12 education organizations can use the report to chart a pathway forward. Ensuring each student has the future they deserve requires disruptive change. It involves redesigning talent systems in education to create workplaces that both attract new people into education and also retain those who want to stay.
Tags: shortage, workforce development