Discover Summer Savings from AACTE
Members can book online and save up to 35% off rentals with Pay Now rates. AACTE encourages members to explore additional offers such as complimentary upgrades and find out the benefits of enrolling in Avis Preferred® or Budget Fastbreak® to receive even more free perks like the following:
- Expedited Service: Skip the line and go straight to your car at most rental locations.
- Accelerated Rewards: Earn points for every qualifying dollar you spend and redeem them for rental day rewards, additional upgrades, and accessories.
Secure your summer rental with Avis: Use AACTE’s Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) number A672095
Or book online with Budget: Use AACTE’s Budget Customer Discount (BCD) number D836644
Do you want to find out about more ways to save on your car rentals? Text AACTEABG to 833-344-0228 and receive exclusive limited time offers.
Also, because you are a member of AACTE, you have access to exclusive members only discounts at ODP Business Solutions, formerly Office Depot® Business Solutions. For information on additional savings that you are eligible for via your AACTE membership, visit
Tags: membership