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Washington Week Attendee Says ‘Learning and Connections are Invaluable’


For the first time in three years, AACTE will be hosting its 2022 Washington Week in-person in Washington DC, June 6 – 8. This annual educational policy and advocacy event draws together AACTE’s State Chapter Leadership, Holmes’ Scholars, deans, and faculty for an opportunity to learn and advocate for education and for high quality educational preparation programs throughout the country.

This year, AACTE is combining the best programming from three separate events — State Leaders Institute, Holmes Policy Institute, and Day on the Hill — into one reimagined mini-conference for enhanced collaboration and networking. The 2022 Washington Week program includes shared keynotes and strand-based sessions on today’s most critical issues in education and teacher preparation: censorship, educator shortage, and educator diversity. Attendees can choose to align with a particular strand throughout the event or select sessions from among the three strands.

Several AACTE members shared their top reasons for attending Washington Week, including Stacy Duffield, director of the Office of Teaching and Learning at North Dakota State University. According to Duffield, members should attend the event because “the learning and connections are invaluable.” Read more about Duffield’s thoughts on why members should make the investment and register for 2022 Washington Week.

Why do you choose to attend AACTE’s Washington Week?

I have two main reasons: The first reason is the learning, what I learn from colleagues in other states and through the sessions. The second reason I attend is the networking with leaders from other affiliates as well as the presenters and AACTE staff.

What types of information have you shared with your peers, team, or students when you returned to your home institution?

I always take detailed notes and bring back what I have learned to report out to my state colleagues. One example that stands out is the year that presenters guided us in how to set up social media accounts. As a result, we started featuring institutions and sharing this out through Twitter and our website. It was neat to celebrate the good work our institutions were doing.

How have you been able to apply what you have learned in Washington Week?

The support we received from Ward Cummings (AACTE’s state relations director) with advocacy has helped us to work with legislators to write a bill focused on teacher shortages in rural schools. Although the bill wasn’t ultimately successful, it received a great deal of support and attention, and we are leveraging that work now to hold a teacher shortage summit with educators and policy makers to identify solutions for this growing problem.

How has the Day on the Hill event shaped your views about education policy?

I am far more aware of the issues and what is likely to come. This allows us to be ready and to be present to provide information for policy makers and advocacy for our profession.

Registration is open now for AACTE’s Washington Week. More information about accommodations can be found at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View in Arlington, VA. For a discount on your hotel rate, book by May 13.

Brooke Evans

Director, Research and Practice