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You’re Invited: Complete a Needs Assessment on Technology in Educator Prep

The menu of the CIDDL website consists of Home, Resources, Events, and CIDDL Community. The message conveyed on the landing page is: Welcome to CIDDL. We are the Center for Innovation, Design, and Digital Learning (CIDDL), a national center to improve faculty capacity to use educational technology in special education, early intervention, related services preparation and leadership personnel preparation programs.

The Center of Innovation, Design, and Digital Learning (CIDDL) is seeking voices and inputs about innovative use of technology in teacher preparation programs from all AACTE members. 

CIDDL is the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)’s funded center focused on increasing the capacity of faculty to use educational technology in special education, early intervention, related services personnel preparation, and leadership personnel preparation programs.

As part of the strategic planning efforts, CIDDL is inviting you to complete and share a 12- to 15-minute needs assessment with colleagues at your institution. This needs assessment is designed to help CIDDL better understand current technology use and practices among faculty in personnel and leadership preparation programs. CIDDL is relying on the voice of faculty to inform and improve this work. We appreciate your support for CIDDL to reach as many faculty with whom you work.  

You and your colleagues can access the brief, confidential survey online

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