Introducing the AACTE Racial and Social Justice Resource Hub
AACTE is committed to tackling systematic censorship within our country’s education system, alongside our members and partners, and it does so through an intersectional lens.
As an organization whose mission is to revolutionize education for all learners, AACTE developed the Racial and Social Justice Resource Hub to be a place for members to learn, grow, inquire, and share resources with one another that address social injustices and advocate for the preparation of profession-ready educators.
The Hub includes three sections: Education Censorship, Combating Racism, and LGBTQ+ Rights. Each section offers resources created by AACTE and its members and strategic partners, including articles, webinars and workshops, curriculum tools, and calls for action. Considering the ongoing efforts underway that limit educators’ teaching and discussion of our nation’s history, and other so-called divisive topics, AACTE is encouraging members to engage with the Hub to support your own teaching and scholarship.
Institutes of higher education were built on the premise that learners would seek truth and embrace facts, and yet those fundamentals are under attack. P-20 students must learn about the blemishes on our nation’s record alongside our successes to fully appreciate our democracy and the need for continuous growth and improvement. Without a complete, honest understanding of our history, our next generation of citizens cannot be expected to make informed decisions that will result in a prosperous and free society.
Visit the Racial and Social Justice Resource Hub at
Tags: AACTE online resources, diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice