Resource to Prepare, Retain High Quality Special and General Educators
AACTE joined the Educating All Learners Alliance (EALA) in 2020 as the pandemic gave rise to the growing challenges to teaching students with learning differences online. The Alliance steadfastly supports PK-20 students through resource development, including the newest resource: A Framework for Change: Investing ESSER Funds to Prepare and Support Teachers of Students With Disabilities.
This resource was developed by EALA partners to give an overview of strategies for preparing and developing highly qualified general and special education teachers. It will show how states and districts can invest Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to address the current and growing need for educators to support students with disabilities and their peers. It shares data and research on both current challenges and recommended strategies and outlines recommended actions for states, districts, and educator preparation programs.
As a member of the working group that developed the resource, I want to note that AACTE members can identify funding strategies within the Framework that can immediately address candidate recruitment and teacher shortages in their EPPs and local districts.
How Can These Unprecedented Levels of Federal Funding Be Leveraged for Greatest Impact?
The resource addresses four key challenges:
- Severe and Chronic Shortages of Special Education Personnel Challenge
- Not all Teachers Equipped to Support Students with Disabilities Challenge
- Credentialing Barriers That Limit Opportunities for Re-Specialization, Re-Licensure, or Alternative Routes to Licensure
- Incomplete Feedback Loops Between EPPs and Districts Challenge
AACTE members are encouraged to pair this resource with the Association’s American Rescue Plan Toolkit: Educating the Future, Today.
For additional information, please contact me at or Michael Rose
Tags: AACTE partner organizations, equity, federal issues, inclusion, shortage, special education, teacher quality