We’ve Got You Covered with Extra Member-Only Savings
As a member of AACTE, you have access to exclusive, members-only discounts at Office Depot and OfficeMax. With your AACTE membership, you can save up to 75% off regular prices.
In addition to exclusive savings, members also have access to ($15, $25 and $50 off) coupons valid through October 4, 2021:
- $15 Off your qualifying order of $100 or more.
Use coupon code: 45375205
- $25 Off | your qualifying order of $250 or more.
Use coupon code: 21012097
- $50 Off | your qualifying order of $250 or more.
Use coupon code: 60376907
And don’t forget, AACTE members also have access to exclusive deals from Avis and Budget Car Rental Savings Program. You can save up to 30% off the base rates on every rental, plus receive additional offers, such as dollars off, a complimentary upgrade, or a free weekend day.
For information on additional savings that you are eligible for via your AACTE membership, visit officediscounts.org/aacte/.
If you have additional question, please contact me at mgrenda@aacte.org.
Tags: membership