AACTE’s 2021 Virtual Washington Week Concludes With State Leaders Institute – September 30 Through October 1
AACTE and ATE State Leaders Discuss State Policy Trends and Advocacy for Educator Preparation
The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) concludes its month-long Washington Week programming with the State Leaders Institute (SLI), September 30 through October 1. SLI brings together state chapter leaders from AACTE and the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) to augment their impact on state level educator preparation policy issues and to advocate for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in education. This program affords leaders the opportunity to gain insight from each other, learn how other states organize their state-level conferences and outreach efforts, and identify key advocacy strategies together.
“AACTE’s State Leaders Institute provides a place for education leaders to connect, compare, and discuss critical advocacy strategies,” said Lynn M. Gangone, Ed.D., AACTE president and CEO. “We make a greater impact together on educator preparation, diversity, and inclusion at the state and national level. Washington Week and SLI highlight the effectiveness of coalition and collaboration among education organizations in supporting educator preparation programs across the nation.”
Sessions at AACTE’s 2021 State Leaders Institute include:
Thursday, September 30
- ARPA State Education Funding for EPPs
- Working with Coalitions to do Advocacy Work
- Regional Breakout Sessions
Friday, October 1
- State Chapter Taskforce Recommendations
- Discussion on National Academy of Education Report and Consortium for Research-Based and Equitable Assessments Paper
- Anti-CRT and Anti-Trans Student Legislation
For more information on AACTE’s 2021 Washington Week, visit aacte.org, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter using #AACTEWW21.
Tags: events, Washington Week