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Try GoReact Video Assessment for Methodology Courses—Online or in Person

Have you tried using video in your methodology courses? As the place where student teachers connect theory to practice, methods courses are perfect for video—whether you teach in person or online.

Many teacher ed programs relied on video for remote instruction during the pandemic, but some used it long before 2020—and for good reason. Research shows that video plus feedback improves student skills. In methods courses, video gives you a way to

  • Show students what theoretical methods look like in practice.
  • Enable students to practice methods in small groups.
  • Record and give personalized feedback as students apply methods in the field.

Read this blog post to learn more about using video in your methods courses this fall, and to see how it helps student teachers apply theoretical methods in different environments and scenarios.

AACTE is partnering with GoReact to elevate educator preparation with simple video assessment software. All AACTE members get free or expanded access to GoReact through July 31, 2021, with a discount for fall 2021. Time is running out so secure your discount today.

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