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New Revolutionizing Education Podcast Highlights University-School Partnership to Strengthen Teacher Capacity

Series one, episode four of the AACTE Podcast, Revolutionizing Education, is now available.

The latest episode features the story of an educator preparation program facing multiple challenges in its work to prepare teacher candidates for the classroom. Additionally, covering how their local school district faces its own pressures impacted by teacher shortages, poor teacher performance, high burnout, and issues with retention. In the fourth episode of the Revolutionizing Education Podcast, Jeff Bill and Ashley Smith from Pitt County Schools and Christina Tschida from Appalachian State University share three case stories featuring the use of co-teaching and demonstrating a partnership between university and schools that builds capacity, efficacy, and resilience in teachers at various levels of preparation.

Listen now to Episode 4: Learning Together

AACTE Podcast - Episode 4

This episode is one of six in the first Revolutionizing Education podcast series highlighting case stories by AACTE members who presented at AACTE’s 73rd Annual Meeting.

The first three episodes are also available, covering how to discover and foster joy in teacher education, the stories of a community that made a huge impact on their local education system, and a program working to diversify the teacher workforce by recruiting underrepresented minority high school students.

Throughout the summer, AACTE will release biweekly episodes covering a variety of topics within the educator preparation community, such as the difficulties and effects the pandemic has had on educator prep programs, how to transform teacher preparation in meaningful long-lasting ways and so much more. Check out new episodes all summer long at aacte.org.

Episodes of Revolutionizing Education are available on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsStitcherTuneIn, and Spotify, where you can not only listen to or download the podcast, but also leave ratings, reviews, and feedback.


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