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NCCPEP Survey Seeks Feedback on Clinical Practice


The National Center for Clinical Practice in Educator Preparation (NCCPEP) is a new, cutting-edge organization aimed at supporting clinical practice in educator preparation. NCCPEP was born out of AACTE’s Clinical Practice Commission. After the publication of A Pivot Toward Clinical Practice, Its Lexicon, and the Renewal of Educator Preparation, Commission members saw the need for an association that supports educator preparation programs as they strive to put clinical practice at the center of teacher education. 

Several George Mason University faculty members (Audra Parker, Kristien Zenkov, and Seth Parsons) were part of the Commission and were subsequently founding Directors of NCCPEP. George Mason University’s Elementary Education and Secondary Education programs are committed to clinically-centered teacher education. Guided by the Professional Development School (PDS) philosophy, the programs are built upon carefully-designed partnerships with local schools and school divisions. Being involved in NCCPEP allows us to share our knowledge about clinically-based educator preparation and learn from others who are engaged in similar work. The Center provides resources, connections, and dialogue around high-quality teacher preparation generally and clinically-based teacher education specifically. If you are engaged in clinically-based educator preparation or are looking to enhance the clinical practice of your program, I encourage you to explore NCCPEP. Learn more at www.nccpep.org.

As a new organization, we designed the survey below survey to get the “lay of the land” regarding teacher educators’ perceptions of clinical practice in their own programs and to ascertain perceived needs. We were preparing to launch this survey when the COVID-19 pandemic emerged. Subsequently, we waited on launching the survey and have added questions related to teacher educators’ work in the pandemic.

We are conducting a needs assessment for educator preparation programs across the United States to investigate (a) your current practices in teacher education, (b) your satisfaction with the clinical aspects of your teacher education program, (c) your reflections on what you need to improve. This survey should be completed by each initial licensure program leader. For example, a college of education may have Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary initial licensure programs. The leader of each should fill out the survey for their programs as answers likely vary by program. We appreciate your time and perspectives.

Complete the survey.
