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Mark Your Calendar for AACTE’s Virtual Events

Plan now to attend AACTE’s signature events, Leadership Academy and Washington Week, to be held virtually this year. Engage with fellow education administrators and AACTE members to discuss critical, timely issues in educational leadership, and join your colleagues from around the country to advocate for the profession on Capitol Hill. These are two popular conferences, so mark your calendar today!

2021 Virtual Leadership Academy

Leadership Academy Series: August and October 2021, and January 2022
Connect with AACTE to advance your career.

The dynamic AACTE Leadership Academy is held each summer for new deans, department chairs, and other academic administrators looking to advance their careers. This years’ experience will offer virtual segments in a three-part series. The first session will take place in August, the second session will occur in October, and the final session will transpire in January 2022. Join AACTE at our reimagined virtual Academy to invest in your professional growth while addressing pressing issues facing educator preparation today.

Washington Week 2021

Washington Week: September 2021
Make your voice heard, advocating for educator preparation.

Convene virtually with policy leaders, education partners, and colleagues from across the country during interactive sessions addressing current issues facing the profession. With a focus on activism and advocacy, AACTE will elevate the work of its members to advance education and educator preparation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Advocacy events will take place throughout the month of September featuring:

Holmes Policy Institute and Advanced Policy Short Course
Holmes Program students will learn how to elevate their voice and research to positively impact future policy for students of color and other marginalized groups.

Day on the Hill
Attendees will learn how to advocate for the profession and participate in virtual congressional visits to discuss AACTE’s legislative priorities.

State Leaders Institute
State leaders will learn how to augment their state chapter’s impact on the latest education policy issues.

AACTE’s virtual events will equip participants to connect and collaborate with other educators year-round. Mark your calendar! Registration details will be announced soon.

And get ready to greet colleagues and friends in person during AACTE’s 2022 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, March 4-6. AACTE will be back on the ground at the New Orleans Marriott, so save the dates!


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Jerrica Thurman

Director of Marketing & Communications, AACTE