06 Apr2021
Education Data 101: A Briefing Book for Policymakers
Data Quality Campaign (DQC) released an updated version of it Education Data 101: A Briefing Book for Policymakers. With information on everything from student growth data to state longitudinal data systems to teacher data literacy, our resource brings policymakers up to speed on the major data topics they need to know about. As policymakers make decisions to aid students, families, teachers, schools and districts in recovery, Education Data 101 offers the background information they need to make informed decisions.
Education Data 101 covers the following ten topics policymakers should know about data in education:
- Student data helps improve student achievement.
- State longitudinal data systems help answer questions and drive improvement.
- Student growth data provides a more equitable picture of student and school performance.
- Data linkages provide the fullest picture of student and school outcomes.
- Data generates the evidence that state and system leaders need to make decisions.
- Student data must be kept private and secure.
- State report cards provide the public information about student and school performance.
- Data empowers teachers and parents with information to better support learning.
- Educator preparation programs need data to improve teacher training and quality.
- Teachers must be equipped with the skills to understand and use data effectively.