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Attend the Leadership Academy Sessions at 2021 Annual Meeting

AACTE Annual Meeting logoJoin your colleagues at the 2021 Annual Meeting for a deep exploration of “Leading During Difficult Times.” AACTE will continue the conversation from its 2020 Leadership Academy in two sessions focused on ways education leaders can navigate the challenges of the current global environment. This second part of the Academy will include guided panel discussions and a close examination of successful case stories.

The Leadership Academy sessions at this year’s Annual Meeting include

Strategic Planning and Leadership: COVID-19 Edition
Wednesday, February 24              
1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

In this session, leaders will engage in strategic planning for the coming months as we approach a post pandemic world. Attendees will assess what has been tried and learned so far during the pandemic, envision the upcoming year, using what has been learned to outlining new initiatives post pandemic. Participants will discuss how to engage faculty and staff, organize their interactions, and process their experience. Participants will leave with an action plan for developing new initiatives.


  • Walt Gmelch, University of San Francisco (CA)
  • John Henning , Monmouth University (NJ)
  • John Kuykendall, University of Indianapolis

There’s No Going Back: Leading the Call to Action in Teacher Education
Thursday, February 25             
1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic demanded attending to the here and now. Our work has become more intense and at times overwhelming, leaving us little time and inclination to consider the unintended consequences of just in time decisions as we maneuvered current realities. This session explores the impact of the global pandemic on teacher education and will challenge teacher educators to consider creating a new futuristic vision for teacher education. How will we leverage this crisis to address continued inequities? How will we as teacher educators take the lead in preparing teachers for the future? How will we challenge ourselves not to create a familiar “new normal”? What changes are needed and how can we get there? How are we facilitating and fostering futuristic educator preparation discussions? The current discussions have been focused on when we get back to normal or our new normal. Participants will hear from two panelists who will agitate and problematize the “status quo” and “new normal” followed by small group discussions in which participants will reflect on how to reimagine teacher preparation and their role in enacting that vision. 


  • Kandi Hill-Clarke, University of Memphis
  • Patty Alvarez McHatton, Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity (BranchEd)

Be sure to add these sessions to your must-attend events during the AACTE 2021 Annual Meeting, February 24-26! View the AACTE Event Planner for the complete lineup of conference sessions.

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Jerrica Thurman

Director of Marketing & Communications, AACTE