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AACTE Names Texas A&M Faculty as Next JTE Editors

Statue at the ollege of Education and Human Development at the Texas A&M UniversityAACTE is pleased to announce the College of Education and Human Development at the Texas A&M University, as the next home to the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) editorial team. The editors were selected through a rigorous peer-review process and approved for a 3-year term, beginning in 2021, which can be extended for an additional 3 years.

The current editorial team at Michigan State University, which has served the JTE since 2015, will continue work on the journal through June 2021 to complete Volume 72.

“AACTE celebrates Texas A&M in their selection as the next editorial team for our flagship Journal of Teacher Education. Their team of scholars has the demonstrated experience, respect, and vision to lead the journal into its next chapter,” said Lynn M. Gangone, AACTE president and CEO of AACTE. “JTE is steadily increased its impact on the field under the tenure of the current editorial team at Michigan State University. AACTE owes a debt of gratitude to the tremendous editors at MSU, including incoming Board Chair, Dean Robert Floden, Dr. Gail Richmond, Dr. Dorinda Carter, and Dr. Tonya Bartell.”

The new editorial team consists of two coeditors: Valerie Hill-Jackson is an American Educational Research Association (AERA)-Spencer Fellow and Fulbright Scholar and Cheryl Craig is an AERA Fellow and a 2021 recipient of AERA’s Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education) Legacy Award (2021). The team will also include several assistant editors and eight associate editors—including Maria Assunção Flores, Andrew Kwok, and Raphael Lara-Alecio. Bugrahan Yalvac will serve as the leading managing editor alongside two mentored assistants.

The Texas A&M editorial team has a vision for JTE that honors the current editorial team’s work at MSU: to examine pre- and in-service education practice, policy, and research through a future-ready forum that is able to 1) attend to diverse perspectives (methodological, epistemological, ontological, axiological) that address contemporary issues in an interconnected global society, and 2) curate spaces for transdisciplinary research to impact broader audiences. Linking research and practice remains central to the aim of the journal.

“As a land-grant, sea-grant, and space-grant institution, the mission of Texas A&M University is well-aligned with that of JTE, focused on long-term societal impact and the changing of lives,” said Texas A&M Dean Joyce Alexander. “We are excited to welcome the journal to Texas A&M and look forward to the long-term impact this journal, the editorial team, and forthcoming research can have to support education in K-12 and aspiring and practicing teachers.”

To achieve this focus on impact, the editorial team plans to encourage research on scholarship that is trans-disciplinary and involves the social and emotional as well as the cognitive and rational. In addition, the new JTE editorial team encourages submission of work that integrates different kinds of knowledge in search of solutions (i.e., humanistic knowledge, foundational knowledge, meta-knowledge, gendered knowledge, indigenous knowledge, embodied knowledge). The team plans to bring culturally relevant teaching into the forefront of discussion within the journal at the same time create a balance between national and international articles.

As the torch is passed from MSU to Texas A&M, AACTE congratulates the new editorial team members and sincerely thanks the MSU team for their steadfast steering of the JTE these past six years.

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Jacqueline Rodriguez

Jacqueline Rodriguez

Vice President, Research, Policy, and Advocacy, AACTE