AACTE Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week, May 4-8

Teacher Appreciation Week

AACTE joins the National Education Association (NEA) and the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) in celebrating excellent teachers during National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 4-8, and National Teacher Day, May 5.

The NEA and National PTA invite you to get involved by thanking a teacher in the following ways:

Thank A Teacher on Social Media

  • Simply make a video or take a photo of yourself thanking a teacher who has made a difference in you or your child’s life, or just thank all teachers or supporting our nation’s students each and every day. (You can download this ThankATeacher template to use in your photo.)
  • Share your message of appreciation on your favorite social media platform using the hashtag #ThankATeacher

 Wear #REDforED on Wednesday, May 6

This year, we especially appreciate all our NEA members who are fighting for school funding, professional pay, and better learning conditions for their students.

Show your solidarity with them by wearing red on Wednesday, May 6 and sharing a picture of yourself on social media explaining why you’re wearing #REDforED.


  • “I’m wearing #REDforED to thank all those teachers spending their own money to supply their classrooms.”
  • “I’m wearing #REDforED because our public schools need to be fully funded.”

Check out their Pinterest boards and repin/share our pins!

Share the National PTA Teacher Appreciation Toolkit.

For more information about National Teacher Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week activities, visit the NEA website or the National PTA website.

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Katrina Norfleet

Content Strategist, AACTE