New TAG is Committed to Urban Education

Arrows | Initiate. Collaborate. Discuss In the fall of 2019, educational leaders of AACTE will have another opportunity to access and join a meaningful Topical Action Group (TAG). The Urban Education TAG is brand new and serves as a special work group committed to establishing a storehouse of information with reliable resources to bolster and practically support urban educators. Additionally, exciting programming is already underway in the form of webinars, podcasts, research dissemination, and professional networking opportunities.

The timing of the group’s formation is significant. The TAG is launching during a period in our profession wherein education is rife with concerns. It is no secret that within our field there is growing inequality experienced by children who are served in urban schools. These challenges are compounded when we consider the friction regarding filling schools with competently trained qualified teachers or harnessing appropriate measures to masterfully engage families as contributing stakeholders concerning their children’s learning. All of the aforementioned is a regressive movement away from effective schooling and strengthening the broad and important purpose of publicly supported education. Moreover, if these challenges continue to persist, inevitably social stratification in education will likely intensify.

As energetic and committed leaders within the TAG, we, together with Alecia Blackwood, are centering the group’s work onfulfilling the promise of the American education dream to support those who want to do the work of educating within the context of urban education. On behalf of the Urban Education TAG, we invite all interested AACTE members to consider joining our vibrant professional cluster. Note: our goals are organized to appeal to instructional, administrative, and/or academic research leaders who have a commitment to enhance practices, processes, and norms in urban schools—with an additional focus on disrupting educational inequality to advance equity within urban school settings. Additionally, the TAG aspires to bring together social justice focused professionals within AACTE who represent various perspectives to form a vibrant national urban education network.

The TAG’s purposes are unique, as no other TAG specifically services the urban education niche. Our purpose also aligns with the professional standards, goals, and mission of AACTE. The Urban Education TAG will explore ways our work can build upon the professional practices and the growing body of research that highlights content promoting urban education through best practices shared via webinars, research reports, and conference networking opportunities.

In the spirit of learning, engagement, and collaboration, the TAG will encourage members to join together to create bold innovative professional development tools that showcase our commitment to serving professionals in urban education. It is around these foci that we encourage members to consider joining the group. Such a TAG requires the vested interest of a cadre of professionals to gather, learn, and act to reform urban education practices for improved outcomes. Please stay tuned as we develop and share illuminating programming for the fall semester.

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