Join us at Preconference Focused on Global Lens to Educator Preparation
The Global Lens to Educator Preparation: Shared Knowledge and Advocacy for Diverse and Multicultural Perspective preconference will explore opportunities for a global focus in educator preparation that includes diverse perspectives and multicultural experiences, beginning in the university classroom and moving to infused clinical practice. Selected AACTE award recipients will share best practices, as well as innovative experiences and partnerships that prepare mindful teacher candidates who advocate for and insist on multicultural education and diverse global perspectives within the classroom
Sessions will take place 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on February 21, and will include a focus on the internationalization of teacher preparation. The first presentation and panel discussion, “Identifying and assessing unique indicators of global competency in pre- and in-service teachers and programs, and how to measure the benefits and impact of internationalization on teacher education programs,” ensures participants will walk away with tools and criteria for evaluating their programs on effectiveness on internationalization, as well as framework for positioning themselves for international engagement. Attendees also will be introduced to the Internationalization of Teacher Education Topical Action Group (TAG), which supports the integration of international, intercultural, and global experiences and perspectives into the curriculum of teacher education (including the clinical component) to ensure that all teachers are properly trained to prepare their students to thrive in a globally connected, diverse world. This section of the preconference will focus on ways that EPPs have equipped education candidates with a mindset and commitment to teach and advocate for equity. A keynote speaker will address the challenges faced by those who advocate for social justice in today’s America, and propose ways EPPs can continue to prepare beginning teachers to undertake social justice projects.
The afternoon will focus on social justice and multicultural education, emphasizing ways that EPPs have equipped education candidates with a mindset and commitment to teach and advocate for equity. A keynote speaker will address the challenges faced by those who advocate for social justice in today’s America, and propose ways EPPs can continue to prepare beginning teachers to undertake social justice projects. Additionally, a panel of individuals engaged with international educational and civic organizations will speak on global opportunities for those in the academy.
The day culminates in a keynote session from AACTE President and CEO Lynn Gangone, who will focus on casting a vision for the nature of global engagement in the preparation of teachers to address various issues of inequity: women’s rights to education in developing countries, the idea of multicultural education for emerging economies like China, India, Pakistan, and others.
Advanced registration is required by February 14 for the preconference. Space is limited, so please register early!
Tags: Annual Meeting, diversity, global issues, membership, social justice