Explore Roles for EPPs in Solving Teacher Shortages
Mark your calendar for a special webinar September 29 about key roles for educator preparation providers (EPPs) in solving the nation’s persistent teacher shortages.
Offered by AACTE in partnership with the Learning Policy Institute (LPI), the webinar will highlight the latest enrollment and staffing data and promising models for programs and policies to improve educator recruitment, preparation, and retention.
The webinar will build on a set of comprehensive reports being released by LPI this week during an all–day forum in Washington, DC, “Solving Teacher Shortages: Attracting and Retaining a Talented and Diverse Teaching Workforce.” The reports will assemble broad data sets and scrutinize supply and demand projections, recruitment and retention challenges, and the innovative solutions emerging from practice. A star–studded roster of speakers at the forum includes teachers and teacher educators and leaders from the government, research, and education organization communities.
AACTE is excited to broaden this conversation to members around the country through the follow–up webinar, “Solving Teacher Shortages: Key Roles for Educator Preparation.” As states refocus their education priorities around the Every Student Succeeds Act, now is a critical time to make choices that support and strengthen the teaching profession at all levels–particularly through high–quality clinical preparation.
Please join the following researchers and educator preparation leaders Thursday, September 29, 12:00–1:00 p.m. EDT, to discuss program models and features that contribute to teachers’ successful recruiting and persistence in the field:
- Linda Darling–Hammond, Learning Policy Institute
- Sharon P. Robinson, AACTE
- Richard Schwab, University of Connecticut
- Jennifer Robinson, Montclair State University
- Additional presenters TBD
Registration for the webinar is required but free of charge. Click here to register.
Can’t participate on the 29th? Don’t worry–we will record the presentations and conversations for you. Past webinars can be found in the AACTE Resource Library.
Tags: AACTE partner organizations, clinical preparation, research, shortage, workforce development